
Subaru Forester because it fits tall and short people while not being a massive vehicle by today’s standards. The newer models are decent on gas and packed with safety features

As long as Y’all-Qaeda liked what she said you are probably right

It’s a fun/silly movie. We found decades later hiding a collection of movies at a friends house. I wasn’t even born when this came out

How is her refusal to answer basic questions about settled case law not grounds to have her dropped from consideration?

Now playing

I think Monty Python has a song about that because God is quite irate

I’m not sure he realizes that he how long he has been there is a massive strike against him. He has defiled the Senate longer than I have been alive

Still waiting for the return of something that is not FaceID. Still not comfortable with that being the default

Grew up in a 90/91 version of this with the V6 and auto. By the time I was able to drive it the thing had a thick blue cloud that followed it everywhere. If you hit the brakes too hard it would stall too. Which was odd since it was an auto but it still did it.

Right? Now it feels like there is a 1,000ph Brat shaped hole in my life

This reminds me of Savita’s death in Ireland after she was refused an abortion when she had an incomplete miscarriage.

I’ve heard one suggestion that might. If there are not enough Senator for a quorum then there cannot be a vote. So simply refusing to even show up can prevent this. That is assuming I’ve understood how this part of the system works because it sounds insanely risky

I can’t be the only one that was expecting something from Scream

240lbs? On what planet did they weigh him because on Earth my money is 300+lbs easy

I’m jealous that you were able to vote already. I wish my state would let us. We pretty much go last in all primaries and wait till 2 or 3 weeks before the election to even start “early” voting. Absentee ballots are sent out even later! It is rage inducing at this point because it is plain ridiculous to force people

Hey, you need to dismiss the fake Dr Lizard

Excuse me? No, just no. Trump told a white supremacist group to stand by. Refused not to incite violence if he looks to be losing. We are in danger and it is getting worse.

Maine Independent... Umm, that is not something that I think is said a kind way. It makes me think of Collins claiming to be swayed and independent in thought but it is all a half hearted act when we know in the end that they are a just as evil as the current GOP

And we can only hope that if we survive this mess the RNC gets that court order against them reinstated permanently. Trump loudly announced his plans to intimidate and steal the election

Who said it had to be a ladder frame? I would take this and from what I understand Ford is at least playing with the idea

I’ve never understood the signs. But then all the ones I see just loudly prove that the person in question is in fact an asshole. Like my neighbor that clearly wants Roe v Wade to get struck down and I can follow Q and their children related conspiracies from her yard signs. Or the number of Pro-Confiedate, don’t like