
Yeah, I was ignoring that part because I have made my opinion on that loudly known before. There is no reason VW, or any other car company, couldn’t sell a small truck and make a profit.

Doesn’t building in the US get around the chicken tax issue? It seems like a failure on VW part to not build these and their actual Van in the US to sell

As others have said Sony is much worse about that than Microsoft. There have been a couple generations of games that I would have loved to play but a locked away a PS exclusives sadly. I would rather have both PS and Xbox games ended up being available on PC than forever exclusive to a single console

Sure, but if you say 40 I would bet 90+ out of a 100 times the assumption with be I40 not US40. That’s what was there originally. Just “40"

Have a friend who bought a Land Rover that way. Total shit show but his girlfriend always wanted one because it would make her look rich.

The only person who got rich was the person who “sold” it. When he tried to register it he learned it was donated to a “charity” several states east of us and was thought to have

40 goes all the way to Califorina. It ends in Barstow

If they have been driving for any length of time already and the car is in good condition that is not unreasonable. Having a good teacher helps too. Case and point, I been able to teach several people well enough to do that.

That’s not even the wildest part, some people say that Antifa made him get drunk in the first place. They forced him to drink! Yes! Then sent him out for more. It was all a set up!

After only a couple days the look is growing on me. Specifically after seeing it in Chris Forseberg’s livery. This design may age well

Mitsubishi says...

Fun little cars. K swapped these become an absolute weapon as well

When weighted against the costs of loss of life it would be cheap as fuck again

I’m disappointed by just how much looks to be carried over from the 350/370Z instead of truly refreshed. I had high hopes for more than a 370Z with a body kit and an interior. At least the interior does look nice. Not as simple and clean as a Z should be but absolutely livable.

From what I understood with those there was still a physical connection to the rest of the system. From a safety stand point I don’t see how any company could do this otherwise. At least Air brakes have the default/failure mode being that the brake are fully engaged iirc.

Clearly voting machines are already too expensive. It would cost the GOP everything to let voters actually use them

You need to dismiss them. Otherwise they can keep replying and someone else will drag them out of the grays

There has been a lot of advancement in turbos recently so we will have to see. Even more so since the last manual XT was at least 6+ years ago

I want that little truck

Is there a company selling a conversion kit for the xb like Smyth Performance or are these all custom builds?