
Uh... the “new” worst? Batteries at Santa, anyone?

For God’s sake, man... this is all bad but getting your knickers in a twist over someone’s joy at seeing Matt Lauer—a notorious piece of shit before and almost certainly after today—get canned is a bit much. Matt Lauer made things terrible for the women around him, which is, itself, terrible. Matt Lauer got fired and

Luke Kornet totally cut his adam’s apple shaving, huh. Somehow I know this will come to represent the Knicks’ season.

...maybe it’s not about “smart business?” Athletes are not uniformly business robots.

God damn, man. I don’t even categorically disagree with your points, but Jesus, can you just enjoy it? Meaningful games are back. (Born in Silver Spring in ‘88, raised there my whole life, and been a die-hard O’s fan since day one, before anyone comes at me, here.) It sucks that we’re going to lose Manny and it sucks

Counterpoint: cumin sucks, wrong again.

God damnit can you just weigh in here Ley and end this crap

Can’t believe I’m about to defend Ley, butttttt.... I don’t think Caminiti is in there in order to insinuate that Brady is taking PEDs, but rather to imply that these mumbo-jumbo miracle cures have far less to do with a player’s longevity than the more obvious conclusions: in Caminiti’s case, PEDs, yes; in Brady’s

What does this have to do with the article?

Am I crazy, or was it just Matt Barnes that shoved Boylen in the first clip?