
Oh, jeeze. I ended up getting tens of millions from hackers who just spawned money on top of other players. Having a lot of money sure did make the game a lot more fun but I’m surprised it took them this long to remove it all.

“After 20 years of being told by our window-dressing partner that men hurting women is a bad thing, we finally realized that they meant a bad PR thing, and now we get it.”

I’m 29 and I can not tell you how many times I’ve daydreamed about going back and playing little league, not as a kid, but as an adult. I would fucking dominate and feel a power that I’ve never felt before. Imagine getting a 40mph floater right down the middle and taking it deep, rounding the bases while staring

When smart guys brought in scabs Geno Smith tore his ACL

He’s tried to make me geaux to rehab
I won’t geaux, geaux, geaux.

The rest of the teams in the Big 10 needed what everyone who attends Rutgers needed—a safety school.

If only poor Laremy could’ve used a towel.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, for as long as security lines are, if your flight is already boarding they’ll let you skip the line. You could leave at like 5:10 and probably make it

Ringer, I served with Grantland. I knew Grantland. Grantland was a friend of mine. Ringer, you’re no Grantland.

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...

And despite all this, they’re still paying their players more than the NFL’s minor league system.

Ask for credentials early, be polite with the people who issue them and act like a bit of a homer when getting the passes. Most people in Sports Information Department(s) are at the mercy of a head coach or AD, so they want to feel good about the coverage.

I was told once that if I ever wanted free parking in the players’ lot to just tell the security guy that I was an umpire - I absolutely lack the balls to try this...

You’d be surprised. Almost every professional team will approve a media pass for you if you just have a blog. Anyone can make one. There is a little more effort involved because they’ll actually pull it up and make sure it exists, but just fill it with a couple generic posts and you’ll most likely get approved.


Seems like the Jets are just, you know, a bad team.

Coyotes 2.0: Don’t Desert Us

“Disorder’s for me. Dat one, too.”