
Yeah, but we all know the REAL reason why Nadine set Big Ed free: to get some of that sweet, sweet Mike lovin'.

The right's tactic of taking real charges that the left correctly and justifiably levels at them ('fake news') and turning them back on the left without any thought is thoroughly infuriating, not least because it devalues the original, well-founded charges against the right's fuckery. Fuck everyone on the right and

May I posit 'Hawk: P.I.'?

Went on a few dates with a guy (I'm a guy too) for the first time ever and it's been really fun. He's really sweet and we've already had some great times together, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. Having regular, er, sexy times again is also a welcome change.

Harry Palmer but calmer.

Gee, Mr. Cake, that sure is a fancy moss green suede sport coat you've got there — nothin' like what I can afford on a homicide detective's salary, I'll tell ya that. My wife, though, she don't mind me walking around the house in my rumpled coat as long as I take the trash out. Anyway, I'll leave ya to run your

Excellent album, good to see it being championed here.

I've never really liked Balthazar Getty (neither his acting nor his personality as reported in David Foster Wallace's article on the production of 'Lost Highway'), but he really knocked it out of the park in that scene.

'ey! You poppin' my stones??

Keach and Faye Dunaway — thanks, I'll have to check that one out.

He was excellent in Fat City, which is not a perfect movie, but a powerful one due in part to his performance. Hope he gets well and back on the stage quickly.

Really, Coop has only been out in the world as Dougie Jones for 2.5 episodes so far, which really isn't that bad if you think about it. And he seems to be coming around to his old self quicker and quicker.

Just now I looked up the cool song that was playing in the Bang Bang Bar and my heart started racing - that assault scene with Richard Horne as the band played made me sick. I can't believe there's a show on the air that'll make you laugh like a maniac at its slapstick-y comedy and then something that dark happens

I'm very excited for this show to be back.

Awesome song, awesome album, awesome artist.

Angel Olsen's gotta be pissed.

I'm not averse to silly fun/distractions or even an individual or a group of friends having a 'song of the summer,' but the weird, inorganic media push in the last few years to have a Shared Cultural Moment w/r/t this SotS business feels strange and off-putting to me. To each their own, however.

Can we all please stop it with the 'Song of the Summer' stuff? Please?

Well, The Big Bopper was portrayed in both La Bamba and The Buddy Holly Story, so there's that…

I thought it was great. Stupid, hilarious and affecting all at the same time.