Slopez Island

This presidency is uncivil- fuck ‘em. 

The moment he realized he could cut Hillary’s throat with a sharpened (troll-farmed) Bernie, and passively install a leveraged, destabilizing regime.

You are going to just hate it when you get to the chapter on “there, they’re, & their” in your primer.

Everyone is suspect when discussing subjectivity.

“I like blue, and I know that blue is better than yellow”

Excellent, thank you.


At the moment 85 other people get it.

Mean can be funny, but this wasn’t mean. And you’ve confused blithe with humorous in your own posts on the subject. My two cents.

I normally would never say this, but please—please—don’t vote

lol- yeah, no

That beard looks terrible.

Her jimmies appear to be relatively unrustled by the missive.

“Aunt Coulter” being the term for a woman who betrays other women à la an Uncle Tom!

Yet Zodiac killer Ted Cruz remains a free man, wtf

I’ve seen that move up close, when our company team faced off against an intramural squad whose first baseman handed us our very first out on the circuit. Everyone gasped, and we went 1-9 that year, only because a team no-showed. I said I’d buy us pizza on our first win, and I did not let us down. But I’ll never

Maybe you shouldn’t know. Because once you don’t act on the knowledge, they call you a hypocrite. So maybe sterner measures are required, once the knowledge is gained. But that’s none of anyone’s business.

Oh I voted (I was “with her”), and will never not- and I am aware that their win is temporary (knock wood). But man, is gerrymandering going to take awhile to be undone, if ever—and the electoral college will likely be the death of us all. It falls to Generation Gunfucked to affect meaningful change, if they even have

Admirable, and exactly why they will win- because you have a conscience, and they won’t want to lose face by conceding your painfully obvious truth. No good deed