Slopez Island

Haven’t we learned our lesson about trying to stop an unwanted blob of zygotes half way?

A nice bump is the last thing anyone in Fleetwood Mac needs.

Are you implying that Hollywood, D.C. and Wall Street have some sort of “iron triangle” over our quotidian, pointless existences, and that organized sports, overlapping seamlessly from one season to the next is simply there to fill in the gaps when consumerism and/or knitting/pet worshipping fails? Blasphemer!

I, Tanya couldn’t have been released at a better time—I honestly wouldn’t have given a shit 3 months ago.

Gratitude that we don’t have to do any of this face to face, you disgusting germ bags.

Let it never be unsaid: love that crazy brain of yours, +1

It sounds like rhubarb pie might’ve been involved.

It did take place in a town that knows how to keep its secrets...

There are things in life that are objectively beautiful, and things in life that are objectively terrible. This film falls in the former category and fuck you.

I was unclear in my attempt to speak globally, apologies. I said ‘if you’ when I meant ‘if one’. And I am sure you will enjoy it if you go.

It’s the kind of movie that if you don’t get it, then it’s on you, and maybe you’re emotionally stunted. And then whether that’s due to self-protective cynicism is for you to reflect upon. Et cetera.

Best coming of age fiction set in Sac since Eight is Enough.

Fantastic thread- it’s almost like Trump was never elected, and Gawker puns were still the order of the day. Oh well- but thanks

We got the meats!

Darker than the winter solstice, not a month away, now. A confused and fairly reticent +1

Is there an Edward R. Hoser award we should all be paying more attention to?

Pictured: the administration of the 45th American presidency in its natural habitat