You should probably continue to keep Gresham isolated, though. Better safe than sorry.
I guess I don’t need to watch the episode now :(
There might not have been an actual kristallnacht, but there may be a few Ana Francos in the near future.
I wouldn’t even pretend to be up on all the great Trump put downs? but that is exquisite
Wanna keep politics out of sports? Ban the anthem
Seacrest and I were chubby beaver brothers, apparently. Only he had glasses, and I had super greasy hair.
Thanks for your service.
Stiff lower lip FTW
Looks like that arc of moral history picked up a little breeze in its sails after all these doldrums. Let’s savor it!
We know we’re not s’posed to man shame, but there ain’t enough pancake on the planet to cover the palpably hi-def amounts of polonium-fearing flop sweat beading on the crown of that fivehead. No quarter, traitorface
God has a funny way of killing them all and sorting them all out later.
And behind those little doors filled with tasty delights and hearty fare were about 13 employees keeping them freshly stocked.
This is a fake news site?
Occam himself couldn’t have shaved a more likely scenario.
I too pray that I shall be beer clean...some day...
I’ll just bury this down here for you to imbibe at your leisure
“rather like the old suit, wot?” Hilarious