Slopez Island

Just nod along with your Druncle during his rant, and when he starts to taper off look him square in the eye and grab his girlfriend’s pussy.

Hail to the dupes! Nothing would please Russia, nevermind ISIS, more than further destabilization of Western alliances. Let us play right into their hands! The first two dominos have fallen- next up: the heart of Europe. Hail to the dupes!

Maybe the cognitive dissonance became too much to bear after all the seig heiling this weekend came to light.

Go on...

More like Alliteration Man amirite

I realize you’re addressing someone else, but you fucked with me for a hot second, so I just wanted to let you know that it’s possible to debate you and call you a dumb motherfucker who’s a threat to my country without getting my jimmies rustled. May you contract Lou Gehrig’s disease with a side of bowel cancer. 

Trump will deliver on almost none of the promises he made on the trail. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Yes you seem very well adjusted and erudite. Good luck with your empathic agenda.

You speak for all the parents out there, do you? God invented teh gays, dipshit. You tryin’ to fuck with His plan? You will burn. (You and ISIS are still on the same page btw, but I know you can’t see past the tip of your own nose). And whether you’re just trolling for lulz, a paid Russian or an actual true believer-

You’re thinking of Zara. UO is for people who can’t form their own opinions.

How do we deal with parents who threaten, abuse, ostracize, attempt reeducate in failed camps and sometimes kill their children for being gay? You know who you’ve sided with? ISIS. People who side with Putin and ISIS should be kicked out of the country. The founding fathers weep for your ignorance.

Have you seen Arrival yet?


Helpful point, thank you.

Not a fan of catharsis, are you.

A fair point (that no one wants to hear), so if anyone wants to see her endorsements, they are here:

I did. Free country, right? Not holding my breath that she’ll change her mind. She represents her constituents, and as we now know there are many, many assholes with a voice across the country.

Do you mean she? Too bad.

I wrote a little speech in the same vein, and read it aloud on her district office voicemail. It was exhilarating. I, of course, *69'd my number to hide it- does that even still work?. Her outgoing message wishes you a “blessed day”. It is too late for me, as an aspiring Satanist (in my head).