Shit-Master Slutface

To those who haven't (and for those who just want a retread), you should definitely read Run the Jewels' Fan Up on Steven Seagal. One of the most hilarious reads on the AV Club…

My only regret is… that I have… Bones-itis!

I can't quite recall the exact context, but wasn't Kim answer or random rambling cut off at one point? It seemed like a really obvious edit of some sort.

I had to break the news to my boss about the canceled Springsteen concert. There were a lot more "fuck you McCrory's" than a normal work day.

I really want to know what was going through Ken's head when he answered "lire" instead of "yen" for the Words in U.S. Capitals category. It seemed like such a gimme!

Was that Toni gasping "Oh my!" at the end there? I was laughing at how loud it was.

IIRC, the bleeped out name for Leslie's mom was "the iron cockshredder of Pawnee", ad libbed by Nick Offerman.

I believe it was antibodies to or traces of hepatitis or some other virus. Not normally the worst thing (unlike fucking Ariel) if you're desperate, but it sounded like she was immunocompromised in some way, hence the need for untainted blood.

Ariel is the fucking wooooooorst. My only wish for the nonexistent second season would have been for some sort of comeuppance.

The Solid Gold Dancers are building their new lineup!

"Without You" for memories of the Harry Nilsson version. "Obsessed" for perpetuating a hilarious feud.


He answered "frivolities", which is a clever word and all, but not what they were looking for.

That's David Pig-Fucking Cameron to you, good sir!

Perhaps they can book him on disability fraud? And while searching his apartmt for evidence dig up dirt on more recent burglaries? Seems to work all the time on other cop shows.

Philip's bet was I believe the biggest DD wager ever. Huge ass cojones, man! ETA- I missed the part where you already mentioned that , Jay S. Sorry!

Is that what happened to Victorian Era Spambot? I miss it.

It was such a weird mix of desperate button mashing and slow clue picking.

*proceeds to wipe glitter off face with bedazzled boot*

Sad to see your weekly reviews go, Emily, but glad to know you'll be back for the finale!