Shit-Master Slutface

I missed this episode but I managed to get FJ, woo! Take that people who actually made it onto the show! The clue got me thinking about small northeastern states, and Montpelier seemed like the best choice since I know nothing else about Vermont iirc, Vermont is the second-least populous state after Wyoming or

I don't even follow football and I knew that it was the Raiders. TV history, people!

Hey, Bones. Look at this bone.
I know. But did you see this bone?
Where'd you find that bone?
Same place you got your bone. It was just sitting here, next to this bone.
Dr. Brennan, bone call. They said it was important. Something about a bone.

I'd like to think that the promise/threat of a naked Ray Romano was enough to keep people away.

I'm curious about how Lesley Boone's relatively high IMDB popularity and Agent Carter's lack of ratings tie in with each other.

It would certainly spice up my daily panhandling routine…

That might work for me! I'm fine with seeing performances and reading the conspiracies and history around him, but something about actually reading the works just makes my brain go night-night.

I also got Final Jeopardy, but through a complete ass-pull/elimination of other Shakespeare works, similar to yours but not quite as detailed. My Shakespeare knowledge is severely lacking…

Justine Bateman's been earning a degree in computer science and looks to be graduating soon, which sorta explains her absence.

Apiary & aviary. I did not like that category at all.

It's good for people who haven't convinced someone to cough-up their HBO Go password, i.e. me.
Maybe one of the Syrian refugees would be so kind..?

I liked her before, but I was rooting super hard for Niki after that fantastic tear on Day 1. Alas, indeed.

Kanye sits in a dark room, lit by a single spotlight narrating his plot and actions while a giant cross swings back and forth

I know he had no way of knowing where everyone else stood, but Noah whiffing it on earning the wild card spot was a 'yelling at the TV' moment.

If anything he's the one slumming it with her! Veterinary school is so much harder to get into as there are only 30 vet schools in the US versus 141 med schools (more if you count ones handing out DO's).

Only if you were dumb enough to say you'd pay them. Just say it's for course credit and the networking opportunities and you're golden!

I think we've heard enough about Larry Burns for one evening.

Urrrrrgh. Still, not as bad as Johnny's from a while back about walking a lot. Nothing else for me can top how boring that story was.

What was her interview about? Like any internet denizen I love to hate, but I missed this episode.