Shit-Master Slutface

We're gonna live like kings. Damn hell ass kings!

*vomits, weeping*

I feel like a sitcom housewife picking up after her kids whenever I see people neglecting the horizontal spaces atop pillars and such. It only takes a second, but the gains from doing so are tangible.

As much as I dislike both, my inability to even tolerate the thought of mayo overrules any other qualms I might have about ketchup, and the soft spot I have for Pearl, in Splatoon 2's Splatfest this weekend. My Switch code is SW-2089-7534-4898
if you want to add me, though I'm mainly more curious to where everyone's

I'm not sure how deliberate it was, but Baracus being set up as a zombie Bush analogue, reading to school children as tragedy strikes!, was fucking brilliant.
I didn't like how the gang was all split up for the finale, but it seems to have fit the "everything's changed, now let's fuck shit up" tone they were going for

It was pretty refreshing to see someone actually treat their soldiers as people/valuable assets and not disposable pawns.

Part of me was expecting Chase Graves to crash the wake and shoot somebody again. Maybe not for stealing Max Rager this time, but shooting people does seem to be his thing.

Virginia Tech Class of '09 alumnus here, so gun violence has been closer to my life than I hope anyone else has had to deal with. Over time the guilt/cognitive dissonance I felt over enjoying gun action in my media while dealing with my issues surrounding the school shooting has faded but it still lingers. No, I know

Because Bacharach is pretty boss, is why! How can you hate the man behind Beware the Blob!

♫When you break up with Leonard Nimoy
You get a bus ticket to Sacramento
And a case of crabs for your memento
Why do I have a thing for spaaaaAAAAAAACESHIPS♫

This was probably my favorite episode of the season in terms of pure laughs, it's almost certainly due to how electrifying and odd Maya Rudolph's take on Dionne Warwick was. The off-brand Do You Know the Way to San Jose lamenting her spaceship kink and the case of crabs it left her with was sublime. The joy she had on

The collective sigh of relief from the commentariat will probably generate enough wind power to keep the AVC servers humming for a while. The mix of Thor and Captain America shenanigans is all I really wanted from this, and I'm happy it seems to have delivered so it'll be the first DCEU movie I'll see in theaters.

I'm still trying to figure out if Carey Gold is a reference to Kerrygold butter since as a lawyer she butters people up.

Getting rid of the reasonable party always makes things frustrating/exciting so I'm looking forward to what's next. Has there ever been someone good-to-neutral named Chase?

Pride is overrated, let's revel in filth.

Soooooo much Flava of Love: Charm School instead of studying my senior year of college.

It fits what we know of him. Smart and reasonable he may be for the most part, but he definitely has an immature streak in him which can be spun in a positive (him and Major palling around, getting starstruck, wanting magician brains to never end) and negative (hangups about Peyton blurgh) light.

I'm not sure where things are headed at all, especially with that gut shot Justin got! And yes the previews showed someone dying in the middle of a game, and then some flashes of Liv DMing Clive, Major, Payton and Ravi!

His child-like glee at meeting his favorite YouTube stars was exceptionally endearing.

Fillmore-Graves’ leadership getting wiped out was, uh, unexpected. I feel like they’ve been telegraphed as the bads of the season, but I wasn’t expecting potential mutiny stylings from Chase Graves being the reason. Bye Vivian Stoll, you’re dual-wielding with the truly dead now.