
Her money is INSANELY new.

Until very recently, royalty DID marry fellow members of the aristocracy

That's very interesting, but I'll admit I'm dying to know, what is your title?

Need advice on how do I keep away from Steam sale? this is the peak of my expenses

no better here (US),

Oh horseshit. Just about every fucking gas station, almost all fast food restaurants, really any place that serves the public will have an available bathroom.

Woah, slippery slope there much? Not requiring every business to make their restrooms public at all times leads to murder? Better tell practically every developed country I've been to that, then. C'mon.

Yeah evil evil America that requires any place that sells food to have a public bathroom (and 99.9% of places don't give you shit about not being a customer), unlike that nice Europe that put pay locks on toilet doors.

I feel like there's information missing. Is the "crime" the fact the sanitary napkin didn't get thrown away properly, or is it that the factory expects menstruating women not to be working while menstruating?

Strange, but I can't really judge. Every year my president pardons a turkey from being killed and eaten for Thanksgiving, before going on to eat a... different turkey. So.

We might laugh, but I've never seen an Argentinian werewolf so it's clearly working.

he becomes a werewolf after his 13th birthday? So Werewolf Bar Mitzvah spoke the truth?

I love how guys have to actually feel what it's like to be a woman to sympathize with us instead of you know, taking our word on it? Especially when a majority of women talk about their weird online dating experiences.

And she's not a very educated Christian, either. The "X" originally represented the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός which comes into English as "Christ". Early Christians all used Greek abbreviations...

I went into my college advisor right before Xmas break to set up some classes and she wasn't there. So I left her a little message on her whiteboard "Merry Xmas :)"

Yes, some people do not celebrate Christmas because they're not Christian. This is not a fantasy.

My Jewish girlfriend is inviting all her friends over to watch the Doctor Who special. Seems like a great way to spend not-Christmas to me.

I grew up Jewish. Why would we celebrate Christmas? We always went to a movie and had Chinese. That was our family tradition.

Piss off. It's a national holiday. Most people couldn't go into work if they wanted to.

I agree it's a nice gesture, but I also hope that when non-Christians have a major holiday, Christians step up for them on those days too.