
Until last year, if you Googled my mom, the person that would come up would be a witch in England. Only recently has my mom surpassed her in the Google search (she's not famous by any means but she's...known? I don't know how to describe it. She's been in some popular movies), and I'm very proud that she was finally

I work in television. You can bet your butt that I did my background research on my now-husband. Unfortunately, he's practically a Luddite, so basically the only thing I could find on him was that he likes science. He doesn't post on his Facebook, and the only things that came up on Google were that he was in some

This one isn't so bad. I wasn't it public. I was home, but I was home alone. I was 11 years old. My parents were picking up the Japanese college exchange student who would be staying with us while he attended the nearby Japanese-American school. It was August, and it was hot. The next week, I would be going to summer

I am doing this. I'm a solid millenial, but my husband and I are moving to Austria for three years while he finishes up his PhD. I live in NYC but I can't wait to get out of here! I've traveled extensively (but only to the Caribbean/Europe and around the States), and I've lived abroad before when I was a kid. He's an

Really? There used to be a sign in all restaurants around NYC that if you asked for tap water, they had to give it to you. I don't remember if I ever saw it in a bar, but I feel like a bar would fall under the same policy? But yeah, thank goodness for halal carts/bodegas on every block.

1) Some countries have a tradition of abdicating in favor of their children (like the Nordic countries), and Spain might well be that way. I don't know. This is only the second king since the monarchy was reinstated in Spain. The UK does not have any such tradition.

I'm moving to Vienna, but I've lived in Munich before and I studied abroad in Berlin. It's true what you say about the food, but at least the quality is better! And Vienna actually has a big UN branch, so there are lots of places with international food. I know I can get Hellman's mayo in the regular stores there, for

It truly amazes me the people still get blown away at what is and is not CG. But I grew up in a film family, so I guess I'm just used to it?

I mean bloody hell. Ygritte wasn't actually firing arrows from her bow! She was just pretending. That completely blew my mind. I could understand adding fire to the arrows, but no arrows at all? That really blew my mind.

NYC FOR SURE. If you ask for a glass of tap water at a restaurant, they have to give it to you, even if you're not a customer. In NYC, whenever I go out to a bar, I can always ask for a glass of water for free. If I don't feel like drinking (hey, we've all had those nights), I'll ask them to make it look like a vodka

Thank you! I love puppies :) I mean, only monsters don't love puppies. But even then they still do. You know, like death hounds.

He was coming to wake me for dinner. I was taking a nap. So he spoke to me, I responded while asleep, and then I woke up to him yelling at me.

When I was in college, my dad took me to the doctor so I could see the nutritionist. I was over 18. I wanted to see the nutritionist on my own, as it was my first time and I was self-conscious about my weight and I wanted her to tell me I was fat without my father rubbing it in (he called me fat a lot and told me all

Well, truthfully I'm moving to Europe in a few months, at which time I'll have AMAZING BUTTER GALORE. I'm so excited. And for the milk. And cheese. And fruit. YUM.

"There is a brand called Kerrygold..."

Ouch. Well, it's not like they spent a shitload of money on an epic location, helicopter rides and faux-security… oh, wait.

Ha. Sorry :p but it astounded me to learn that a company can use it as a tax write-off when a show doesn't do well. So that means that when the American people vote with their viewership to take something off the air, we still pay for it with our taxes. That seems unbelievably unfair to me.

Everybody who makes a royal TV show from the 18th century or earlier LOVES to put this in. The Tudors had it (when they had Princess Margaret married the Portuguese king, I believe, and then later when they were going at it she killed him), Reign did it, The Borgias did it, but I don't think Marie Antoinette did (that

Actually when a show like this doesn't do well it becomes a tax write-off for the company. So they won't exactly be going broke, or even losing that much money. It's not like they could have repeated the series, and the ad time has probably all been bought already.