
Actually, that's more applicable to copyright. Technically, by creating something, it's already copyrighted to you by law and can therefore use the (c). You can then choose to register the copyright with the government so that no one can dispute that claim. Not so with a trademark.

Copyright and trademark are two different things. You should change the headline to say trademark.

I would like a hash brown sandwich filled with hash brown, please.

<3 you Dodai. +1

I love Popeye's!!!! My dad and I used to sneak some when we went out without my mom. Way way better than that crap they have at KFC (from which I've gotten awful food poisoning).

My ultimate guilty pleasure are the McDonald's hashbrowns. I haven't had them since high school, but I love them so much. I now have an intense craving for McDonald's. THANKS, OBAMA.

The problem with knocking on neighbors' doors and asking all these questions and checking out the landlord in NYC (if any of these things are even answered), is that by the time you're done, someone else might have already signed the lease.

My parents always, always, always have tons of bottles of water on hand. For over ten years, they've lived in hurricane country, and before that, they lived in earthquake country. There's no way they will get rid of their plethora of bottled water—and they shouldn't.

Funny enough, Ashley remind me more of Tonya than Nancy. Ashley doesn't seem as graceful to me as she should be. She comes across to me more as a power skater. Same with the French one at the Olympics.

Haha. Probably. I haven't taken ballet since middle school.

Those wigs are hideous. And so is everything else. I hate when fashion houses splatter their name over everything. We get it. You dropped mad money for this crap.

Oh yeah the star jump. My boot camp instructor makes us do those too and tells us to channel our inner cheerleader. I forgot about those. We do the sumos at the beginning, and the star jumps in the middle, so I feel significantly more dead during the latter rather than the former.

Thank you! I seriously can't believe that I'm getting such nice comments. And support in situations of difficulty is one of the greatest gifts people can give. I'm glad you have your husband to help!

Truthfully, if I didn't love my boyfriend so much, I probably wouldn't care as much. But because I do love him, I want him to be the happiest and healthiest he can possibly be. If he is doing something that harms himself, I'm going to speak out and give him whatever help and support he needs to get better.

Thank you! And these are seriously the kindest comments I've ever received on Jezebel. Granted, we're a catty bunch (way to play into the stereotype, Jezebel!), but thank you for the support. We are very happy together—and it sounds like you are too! Keep up the good work! Communication is key!

Hm...well, maybe? No harder than a squat is on the knees. Depending on the knees, of course. I've only ever done it on grass, and sumos are slower than regular jumping jacks.

It's called a sumo. Jump into a plie in second position.

A modified jumping jack is called a sumo. It's landing in a plie in second position for each jump.

You're right—it was the bulimia talking, and not him. I know that now, though on the day that happened, it was very, very hard to hear and I felt like I was a failure of a girlfriend and that I couldn't believe I'd be the cause of so much of his pain.

This is good to hear. But a word of caution by way of a story. My boyfriend used to be bulimic. He got over it and by the time I knew him he hadn't been so for awhile. A few months into the relationship, he had gained a bit of weight and mentioned that he wanted to lose weight the healthy way because he wanted to fit