
Oh yeah I always forget about Heroes. She was so psychotic on that. Gah I love Kristen Bell so much.

Whoever wrote this was not a member of Girl Scouts. I was in for 10+ years (until, ironically, I moved to the birthplace of Girl Scouts and could not find a single troop as enthusiastic as I was), and only for three years did I wear a green uniform. Other times it was blue, brown, khaki, or red/white/black (for when I

As a girl, you could still join the Boy Scouts and be in the Girl Scouts. I did. It's a subset of Boy Scouts called Mariner/Sea Scouts. It was so much fun. Drill teams, knot competitions, scuttlebutt, uniform competitions.

Wait...she was on Party Down?! I watched the first few episodes for Rob Thomas and obvs I noticed all the VMars actors on it, but I didn't know she showed up! Now I definitely have to watch the whole thing!

Wait...she was on Party Down?! I watched the first few episodes for Rob Thomas and obvs I noticed all the VMars actors on it, but I didn't know she showed up! Now I definitely have to watch the whole thing!

Kristen Bell is not allowed to a nemesis, unless this is going to be the girl version of Ben where they start out hating each other and then become best friends because I want Amy AND Kristen to be my best friends. And I can't think of Veronica as evil.

I wish they could pair up with a lower-end chain so that those of us who aren't as wealthy could look just as awesome. I would buy all of it.

I wish they could pair up with a lower-end chain so that those of us who aren't as wealthy could look just as awesome. I would buy all of it.

Yeah she's has dual citizenship, and she feels like an idiot for not knowing that she could have gotten birth control for a year in the States if they had known she was going abroad for an extended time. I'm moving to Europe next year (Austria), and I'm just as concerned about this birth control fiasco. I'm definitely

Me too! There is still a chance something could happen—no one knows the fate of the shows from Style, and I think things are just a bit hectic so the idea of where each show will go is not on the forefront of NBC thoughts at the moment. The only thing I've heard is that Giuliani & Bill and Tia & Tamera are moving to

Except that it's not hiring more people because those at Style lost all their jobs. NBC was supposedly finding ways to integrate those who lost their jobs at Style into the NBC family, but that is not what happened—I was emailing people at the network and got a bunch of kick backs that said "As of [DATE], I am no

I love Niecy Nash. Clean House is so much fun to watch while cleaning, well, the house. I'm pretty sure it's all on Netflix. It's glorious.

Hot Listings Miami. I don't think Lifetime is owned by NBC. Theoretically it could move to Oxygen or Bravo, but with each passing week, it seems less and less likely.

NO NO NO Esquire channel is NOT a good thing!! My company had a TV show on Style—the highest rated new show on Style in 2013, in fact—and now we don't know its fate! If Style had remained Style, there's a good chance it would've gotten renewed! Style was canceled right near the end of the show's airing! Do you know

I'm totally all for this article and for free birth control (I got my first free pack of birth control this month so I'm SUPER happy about this), but it really, honestly could be worse. Even in that wonderful socialist system called Europe. That's not sarcasm - sometimes it really is wonderful! My boyfriend hurt his

I think this outfit would look a lot better on Kim if she had on different shoes. The strappy-ness isn't doing her any favors and is cutting off her leg.

Our fight song at Columbia calls us the "sons of Knickerbocker," but Columbia only went co-ed in the 1980's (while Obama was there!) (OBAMA!!! ::shakes fist::).

Agreed! I always thought it was weird and I was wondering if it was just me! I'm glad I'm not alone :)

Guess again :)

Haha well my school is extremely self deprecating. We're definitely our own worst critics. I'm pretty sure that's all you need to know in order to figure out which one I am from!