
Had to add (because I didn’t see it, sorry if it’s there!):

I scour stores specifically for the “Petitie Short” jeans because they usually mean a 27.5" in-seam, which is perfect for me (I’m only 4' 10"). However, every single jeans that does have this in-seam is either skinny (which does not look good on my body shape at all) and/or is extremely high-waisted (which is a style

I love maple beer! Well, I love maple anything (donuts, candy, syrup....which is pretty much candy). The Bruery Autumn Maple is pretty great and maple-y from what I recall (it has been almost a year since I last had it). I haven’t seen your maple beer before, so I hope it’s tasty.

My local grocery store has rolled out ALL the Oktoberfest/Pumpkin beers already. I am a sucker for pumpkin beers, always expecting them to be amazing and then often ending up disappointed (there are a few ones I love; mostly stouts). I’m currently drinking the Crown Valley Imperial Pumpkin Smash (a stout with 10.6%

Are we sure these aren’t supposed to be nightgowns? Because that’s what they look like to me, and I would possibly wear them to sleep in (except for the white checkerboard tablecloth thing).

Mellophone! I was also section leader of the brass my senior year and had 3 solos that year. It was a lot of work but so much fun.

I’ll be honest that I didn’t even know trimming (must less waxing) pubes was a thing until I got to grad school and I started reading Jezebel (around age 25). Never had a guy complain about it (would probably have felt bad about myself if they did at that point; at my current age I’d say fuck ‘em, my body, my hair).

I don’t have construction going on, but I’m currently in a similar situation with the music from my upstairs neighbor. It’s so loud it sounds like it’s coming from my living room and I can actually make out the lyrics. I work until 9 pm every day except Saturday (not 8 hr/day, it averages out to 40 hr/week) and have a

I work from home most of the time (go into the office for meetings once a week or so). Thus, I end up working in pajamas or running clothes (with the intent to eventually go running...) far more often than I should.

Alright, people already mentioned Hayley Atwell, Alan Tudyk, and Sweet Dee as people that should have been mentioned for various shows, but I wanted to add (for No Tomorrow) Joshua Sasse (aka Galavant!).

Until I got to John McEnroe, I thought it was going to be a 3 Amigos reunion picture, and I was surprisingly very disappointed it was not. Naming the 3 Amigos was actually a trivia question last week (I do trivia on Wednesdays), and my teammates made me feel old when they said “You actually know their names?” as I

She’s adorable! Also, after watching the series, I totally want to be Miss Fischer when I grow up (even though I’m over 30 and her wardrobe is, sadly, no long in style).

I suggest Minogue throw Jenner in the dungeon or feed her to the bear (I hope this link works):

I don’t have a wide range of experience with perfumes, but I love Tokyo Milk’s Crushed. It has two of my favorite scents (grass and jasmine) and is a rather earthy scent, not overly sweet or floral (which I find many perfumes to be for my taste). I also got a hand creme of it because I liked the scent so much.

Started with wine, then had a beer, and finished with coconut rum and diet coke. I let myself indulge in excess alcohol tonight because it has been a bad week. Sorry for the long rant, but I need to get it off my chest. I was supposed to be back in NC this past Monday, but my car died as I was driving back from my

If I had to give a reason, I’d say that compared to undergrad, I can actually afford decent beer/wine/booze (much better than the Coors/IC light from my beer pong days). Today, I experimented with making hot buttered rum for the first time, and can I just say, it is dangerously delicious.

Mine is cranberry muffins (my grandmother’s recipe; she passed away over 15 years ago but we still make sure to make them every Thanksgiving and Christmas). They are just so moist with the right amount of sweet and tartness from the cranberries (good with dinner, for breakfast, or with lunch!).

Did not actual recognize JGL at first (had to re-read the headline). He looks fucking amazing (and I loved his dance).

I still have about 1/2 a dozen of these (technically my mom has them, as she’s kept hold of them). I see them on my old nightstand when I visit her (I really need to clean my old crap out of her house; I think some original My Little Ponies, Sky Commanders, Dino-Riders, and Strawberry Shortcake figurines are there

Do any Jezzies homebrew? I just bought all the stuff I need today (I brewed ~10 years ago, actually took a class in undergrad, but grad school left little time after that, and I’ve been meaning to pick it back up ever since). Mostly, I just want to know if you have any tips/tricks/awesome websites. I’m worried about