
The cat also survives in Alien! To be fair, though, that movie is over 35 years old.

Besides the bathroom and going for a walk suggestions, if I have a few minutes where I don’t have to be paying attention (such as when I’m in a session where the current talk isn’t relevant to my research), I...well the best way to describe it is daydream I guess? I picture a beach or a mountain lake where there is no

Not actually ashamed to say I can pretty much recite all of Clue and Nightmare Before Christmas (though I try not to do that if anyone else is watching). The one I don’t tell people about is Mortal Kombat (I love that movie).

I’ve been to a handful of camps and loved most of them, but there was one really disastrous camping experience, for three main reasons (sorry, this will be LONG).

That’s one of the (many) reasons I would never change my last name even if I did get married. I’m a physicist, and I share my last name with a (fairly) famous physicist (he has several rules/laws). No relation that I’m aware of, but it is always a conversation starter at conferences.

I got mine out one summer while I was in high school. I forget why (probably so she could look after me without taking other vacation), but my mom decided the best time would be the day before we left for our beach vacation (we went for a week every year to the same beach, which I love). The car ride was awful, and it

Well, if it’s just enough money for small luxuries, heated floors/towel rack, nice ceiling fans/lights in every room, and decent plants for my patio (apartment yard). Alternatively, finally a completely new wardrobe (more adult/flattering and better fitting...I still have clothes from the beginning of grad

Sadly, I can’t keep myself to a routine long enough for it to stick (I assume it would stick at some point...maybe not). I also feel useless for several hours after I get up if I wake up too early (and the earlier I wake up, the longer the uselessness lasts). I have found a couple of things that help me to be more

I’m the same way for shellfish (no chance of anaphylactic shock thankfully, but it’s like I get food poisoning). From my understanding, that means I’m intolerant to shellfish (digestive system issue) rather than allergic (immune system issue). I still say I’m allergic (though I feel a bit bad about it) when I eat out

I get sleep paralysis too (though not that often) and agree that knowing what it was helped a lot for future episodes. I sometimes get the hallucinations, but not always, and I’m much better at identifying them for what they are. I know it’ll pass eventually, I just try to breath normally, I don’t bother trying to

Well, what songs I listen to depends a lot on my mood (upbeat, slow, etc.), but the bands that are always in my rotation (besides Epik High) also include 2NE1, CNBLUE, 4Minute, and Beast.

I am ridiculously jealous that you get to see Epik High (one of my favorite Korean bands, and I love a lot of them). Bigbang is also up there, so I’m sure you’re going to have an amazing time!

I’m not very good at saying burns out loud (though damn do I think many in my head; my mom drilled “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” very much into my head). The one time a burn passed through my filter was in high school.

I wouldn't be so certain they were dead...Google raft and water spiders at your own risk (though I don't think they're native to Ohio). Oh, and I also got to go to a lovely camp that was very spider-friendly. You had 3 bathroom choices: the one covered in spiders, the one covered in moths, and the one covered in

The thing I'm looking forward to the most is being able to have my windows open ALL the time and it staying light out past 8 (I love spring)! Also, in a couple of weeks, I get to visit my sister down in Charleston and see a bunch of relatives (all three of my siblings will be there, first time we've all been together

The last time I got Starbucks, when I told them my name I thought they repeated it back correctly, just with a southern accent (Jen). However, when I got my cup, my name read "Gin". I was in the airport on my way to a beach vacation, so I took that as a good sign.

That was a nice and smart move. I went to a wedding last year on a beach whose address turned out to be ambiguous. The invitation said 9th st...what we didn't realized (I went there with my sister) was there was a 9th st E and a 9th st W (both on the same island). We figured out we were at the wrong one in time to

While I agree that fries do not belong on pizza (I never saw them as an option my four years in Pittsburgh, but I don't doubt places there would put them on), pierogi pizza is a gift from the gods. Delicious, delicious mashed potato base instead of tomato sauce. I miss good pierogi...

Having gone to CMU for undergrad, not surprised they tested the app out there (most of us socially awkward nerds there would have loved testing this out). Have to admit, I mostly watched the video to see how many place I could still recognize (it's been...a while since I graduated).

At least Rayden can pretend they were named after a Mortal Kombat character