Pauline Kale

My willing suspension of disbelief crapped out during this episode—a lot of style but little substance. Something's rotten here besides Varga's teeth. I suspect it's the plot.

Tedious exposition. The majority of the episode should have ended up on the cutting room floor. That is all.

Henry's going to help bring down the family. He's closer to Stan than he is to his own family. Paige's storyline needs to pick up a little steam. Her angst is becoming a bit boring.

Freddie's performance rose head and shoulders above the rest. He deserved a better, tighter script than this mishmash of dead-end storylines and extraneous characters. I liked the series, but it could have been so much better. And am I the only one who applauded when Chick popped off? Great character—but he didn't

The Xerox machine, the mail machine, the answering machines—all of the machines in The Americans seem to play a role. Why not the printer, eh? Or Stan could simply take Henry to Epcot, where Henry pushes Stan out of a roller coaster car….

Elizabeth may kill Martha.

Stan's relationship with Henry foreshadows Henry's role as Stan's pawn in the future—whether he'll save or destroy his family remains to be seen. But I agree that Henry could manipulate Stan to his family's advantage. Henry may view Stan as a surrogate father and feel loyal to him, though. I also think Henry's

Suicide would make sense, but it almost seems too predictable.

Martha's going to be hit and killed by a car/bus as she makes a run for it. Henry will prove to be the ultimate betrayer and the one to bring down his parents.

Either your medication isn't working, or you need a new therapist…..
I loved this episode.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Sally should have used a BeDazzler in her seamy scene—take it up a notch. This episode was sew-sew. If not for Dennis O'Hare and Kathy Bates, "Battle Royale" would have been a complete loss. And why did Queenie not remark on Angela Bassett's doppelganger back in New Orleans? The list of illogical plot twists and turns

Enough with the wampires, ghosties, and children of the damned! AHS needs more cowbell. Or a cameo by Christopher Walken….Or a plot….

The real stars of this episode? Gaga's sequin pasties, of course.

All of the vampires suck.

Give a monkey a typewriter….Or they'll just start hurling crap. Either way, something's going to end up stinking.

To put Gaga's performance in the same category as Kirsten Dunst's tour de force in "Fargo" is absurd.

AHS Hotel—guaranteed cure for insomnia. Zzzzzzzzzzzz…wake me up when the plot makes sense….

"The Castle" episode is Hanzee's narrative as an alien in his own country, a theme that echoes Kafka's "The Castle." This entire season has been about alienation and trying to measure up in one [alien?] form or another…