
The main picture is misleading!! I was hoping for leather-bound volumes with the crests front and centre. Oh well. I was planning on actually picking up one of his books though - I really enjoyed the TV series, hoping the books are good too.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. I do have to ask, what country do you live in? You said "If people didn't put their lives on the line for stuff other people didn't think was worth it, my country wouldn't be where it is today".

did i say shotgun? i meant handgun.... hmm, need more coffee...

I think part of the definition is also the brevity and brightness of the rise, because it falls so quickly and such? Related to the saying from Blade Runner "A candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly"

You make a good point - we don't want to loose 'santorum'! It has a certain elegance to it.

I was hoping for a nickname more suited to Romney being oblivious of being poor or something more well known about him, rather than an obscure story about his dog. At least Santorum is directly related to his horrendous opinions on homosexuality.

As bad as the article makes it sounds, some solid statistics would be helpful. Anecdotes are not the same as data after all. Maybe if an independent party could peruse security camera footage and count up who gets scanned and how many times, we could get a better idea.

Yes, it is definitely my hope that my comment can, at the very least, illustrate that not everyone idolizes someone for being 'the hero' in a robbery scenario. Maybe it will make someone stop and think of the bloody consequences of being such a collosal nitwit. It has nothing to do with being 'cautious' as you put it,

They lived out my Batman fantasy so I don't have to :)

Is it only a dual core? That would be point for macbook then.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the "This is the _________ guy, therefore his comment is invalidated without any need to use my brain" guy. That was easy!

the average shotgun has 12-13 rounds, maybe he's an expert marksman? it was tongue in cheek (fictional) headline after all.

Also, if you're comparing portability, your 15" is obviously better. Comparing the 17" Macbook with this 17" Razer, the difference is less obvious:

I don't think your macbook is as (or more) powerful (especially if you want to spend less than $2799.00 for it) I just went on the apple store and configured a 15" MacBook Pro and got this:

I would be interested in this laptop if they got rid of the little LCD screen and just put a normal trackpad there. Charge less than 2000 for it and you've got a deal!

As badass as the bartender and patrons were, what they did was incredibly dangerous. The story could have easily been titles "Watch the Most Tragic Robbery Attempt Ever Caught on Camera. 12 Dead."

It was caught on some fancy high-tech surveillance system? Ooh, maybe they're promoting this newfangled video sharing site all the kids are using, what's it called, You-series-of-Tubes?

Only one minute? Bummer! I would actually watch the entire films this way. Any induced strokes be damned! Edit: I found this one, only the first 16 films but less jarring. Only slightly less. []

Looks like you're stretching a lot to touch the screen. Either your thumbs are stumpy, or they could have gone with a smaller screen. Personally I would have been happier with a smaller screen.