
I09 upset at sexist episode of Futurama, the VERYNEXT article is "The Sexiest Cosplays from Comicon". SHEESH.

This always bugged me growing up. People just couldn't get it that you should treat the word Lego like the word sheep. Forgivable but infuriating.

Please read this article:

As the Washington Post article points out, this kind of thing can happen to even the most loving and vigilant of parents. Unfortunately products like this are hard to market because people think "This certainly can't happen to me". From the article:

Thank you. Andrew should read that article an realize he sounds like an ass.

I think it's pretty tasteless, the guy's barely dead a week and these guys are trying to profit off him. $350 for a axe with a paint job, yeah that's honoring Sendak's memory. How about something to do with literacy or education? How about something not profit driven? Sheesh.

You can still get an MRI with a tattoo. Older tattoos from 30+ years ago may contain small traces of metal, but even then you can still get an MRI, you just let the technician know and if you experience any discomfort/heat, then they can stop.

My theory is that it was the staff that was artificially bringing out the hulk. They did discover that Loki was trying to intentionally trigger the hulk, and the staff has been shown to alter people's minds.

My theory is that it was the staff that was artificially bringing out the hulk. They did discover that Loki was trying to intentionally trigger the hulk, and the staff has been shown to alter people's minds. If the blue gem in the staff is the Mind infinity gem then even moreso.

Did something happen to Lawrence Krauss??

Beautiful for an adult, but I have a feeling a kid would think it's shit.

YES. Skyrim with Demon Souls like multiplayer. Excellent...

Are you implying that if a girl rapes a guy it's okay?

Maybe you found Skyrim's main story short and boring because you were more interested in the story than the discovery/expression aspect? The Witcher does have a great story, but it's different in that, while you are Geralt's puppet-master making his choices, the story is really about him. Skyrim is a different genre;

Interesting vids, but god damn the narrator is annoying as hell. Why did he have to up the pitch so much? My ears are bleeding!!

I don't think he has the gravitas needed for a booming "By Sangreal and sword and Pendragon's Fire!!!". He's too wimpy. And Burton? GAH that would be terrible. It needs some finesse. May as well ask M.Nigh Shamalana :P

I suppose he has some stats to back him up, seeing how mediocre every Hulk movie has done at the box office, despite how awesome the last Hulk was. But I agree I don't like how execs treat movies more like a financial investment than something to be passionate about.

no worries :) i'm sure my comments are filled with typos no one pointed out in fear of looking like a pedantic me... hmmm

the proper term is still exude.

No they mean what you think. Every flight I've ever been on has had a single aisle (maybe because I've only flown budget wise). I don't know the ratio of wide-body vs narrow-body airliners to make any meaningful statement though...