
He wasn't saying that at all. *edit: Learn the difference between ignorance and idiocy and you may understand what he meant*

This one? Sadly looks non-posable, but I suppose it wouldn't look as good.

That is one gorgeous Samus!

he said 'grabbed the 360 brick' as in the whole unit i presume

Well said

Seriously? Apple's entire business model is copying other ideas and tweaking them. Suddenly another company does it and it's disgusting? []

You're totally right. The cold blooded killer thing is total BS, George is either intentionally trying to get people to forget the original scene, or is just a dumbass.

I remember getting the special edition as a gift, before I knew George raped my childhood, and that changed scene was the beginning of the end of my love of star wars. It will be hard for me to get excited about any new Star Wars thing ever again.

I hope they make another Bad Company, Battlefield 3's campaign was BOOOOOOORRING. I could barely finish it. Good thing the multiplayer is the main reason to get a Battlefield. Not that Battlefield 3's multiplayer is without its flaws (why they got rid of 4x4's and motorcycles when the maps are so huge, I'll never know)


Who said anything about desktop widgets? Taking into considerations everything including hardware and software, the ipad just isn't the 'best', but it *is* the most popular. And as a consumer, I don't really care about developer support.

I beg to differ on 'best'. Maybe most popular?

That's cognitive dissonance for ya, somehow it's something humans excel at :)

I've never used the camera on any of my devices (except my phone). Just never had the need to use them on my tablet or laptop. So I can imagine someone being interested in a device without one if the price was lower.

He wasn't disputing the capability, but the price point.

Also many sense made.

Makes sense.

It's no surprise the video is blurry. Best way to get people to buy your B.S. is to make the 'evidence' ambiguous.

I wonder if you could get it hot enough to smelt some gold? Or better yet, aluminum! You cam make tiny little swords! With gold and silver accents. Who doesn't want to be a mini blacksmith.