
An episode of Mythbusters looked at different remedies for nausea, and of the blind tests they did, only the over-the-counter medication and ginger pills did the trick. Studies show that it beats placebo for mild nausea. I know personally Canada Dry ginger ale helps with my nausea.

Pharygula is my favourite blog (second of course to the Gawker sites) :)

I love Mitchell and Webb. Always on point :)

The dilution levels really are something out of this world. 30x is the dilution. "The arnica is diluted to one part in 1 in 1 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.

This is fabulous! Tim Minchin is my hero.

No kidding! How can anyone watch that without smiling. And wanting some Sonic. Being non-American I've only had Sonic once while visiting California. It was good.

As stated below by a few in-the-know commenters, homeopathy is bunk. The specific chemical is irrelevant when diluted in homeopathic distillations. Pharygula's PZ Myers has an article up specifically debunking this article:

Thank you Gizmodo for linking the original clip from the artist! I saw this video on a few other sites, and none of them bothered to find the artist's youtube channel and linked some re-up of a re-up. This guy's balls deserve recognition!

Now to be fair, that study claiming distant cousin inbreeding being 'beneficial' needs to be taken with a grain of salt. The ONLY thing that study showed was that those who were inbreeding more had MORE children, it says nothing of quality, defects, etc. Having more kids doesn't necessarily indicate anything other

I heard McDonalds intentionally tried to spread the 'who's dumb enough to not know coffee is hot' story, to get the public on their side. I forgot where I read that though.... so not verified.

No, only the resurrection part matters, those heroes were considered 'dead permanently' until the supposed 'resurrection trend' began with Superman. I don't really disagree with your main point, but the examples where the heroes died (doesn't matter when they died) and came back, it's the coming back the guy in the

They could have written the movies around them? I think it would have been plausible that Batman has another love interest? Or it could have been only Harvey's love interest? Or anything else really. Humans are built to connect emotionally to a person's face, not their name, it's just a discordant experience is all.

sarcasm i hope....?

I don't mean changing actors like from Keaton to Bale. The entire franchise changed by that point. I mean when *everyone else* in the film is that same actor. Halfway through The Dark Knight, I realized that Maggie Gyllenhaal was supposed to be the same character as Katie Holmes. It's just a bit jarring as I never

As excited as I am it is sad that Edward Norton won't play Bruce Banner. I just can't stand it when they change an actor in the same role and expect us to follow what's going on. Like Batman's girlfriend in The Dark Knight or Rhodes in the second Iron Man. Of course Doctor Who is the exception. And to that exception

Apparently he took stunt driving lessons for it.

Hydrogen is also lost, but hydrogen is also much more abundant. And they float more because of density I believe. Gravity has an effect on atmospheric loss though.

most of the examples you give don't really support your argument. the death and return of superman happened in 1992. the characters you list may have died before 1992, but they all came back *after* 1992. jean grey is the exception.


I was bored as hell watching that flick...