
this commenter's explanation was good:

I agree, the crucial part of the explanation was not explained clearly. I had to replay it multiple times, and still didn't understand it until I read clew's comment. The video spent way more time explaining why gravity is weaker from farther away, but this is a much easier idea to grasp.

looks like cheese curds?

Well let's just disband the government and all be anarchists in a Mad Max world! Sheesh...

It was called that because of its difficulty to verify experimentally. Calling it the 'god' particle is an overstatement, it's no more important than any other particle in the standard model. Remove neutrinos from the universe and we'd stop existing just as much. I'm sick of the media using the term, but it's too

Art like this isn't made by pure talent, innate ability is a factor, but the techniques applied here require the teaching of techniques that only generations of artists can give. For example perspective wasn't used until it's principles were 'discovered' early on during the Renaissance and taught to artists from then

I bet abortion/contraception would cease to be taboo if both men and women were capable of being impregnated. Such is the patriarchal society we live in...

From what I've read brining both denatures muscle fibres to hinder water loss AND introduces water to the cells via osmosis (the water does get drawn out, but more water gets drawn in overall).

good link, leaned some new things. the moth eye thing is neat

you wouldn't carry $30 in coins in your pocket, that's what $5 and $10 and $20 bills are for. we use one dollar and two dollar coins in canada, and i've never had that much in my pocket in coins, it's just silly

I think the photo should be removed as a health risk as it could cause spontaneous vomiting.

you may believe in evolution, but you don't seem to understand it.


I wanted to see Fright Night when it came out, but when I arrived at the theater there was only a 3D option. WTF HOLLYWOOD.

+1 To this reply

Sorry, THIS is a dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb comment.

What a dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb comment.

But they do get free transp.... wait you're probably in the States...

lol i was about to say the same thing