
Is this spam? Did you not read the story?

It's not natural selection. Crossbreeding is by definition ARTIFICIAL selection. What's happening in labs today has been happening for the last 15,000+ years. You're just having an ignorant knee jerk reaction.

Ya what a dumbass hippy author. GMOs are the ONLY way we will feed the world with 7 billion people and growing.

Agreed, also the fact that she called the primary schooler TIGHT-FISTED to me implied he was getting melty wax all over his hands.

Yeah now that you mention it the ones on the left are melting gross yellow for half the colours. Man I wish they hired authors who will spend more than thirty seconds writing an 'article', Kat Hannaford is a lazy lazy author.

I totally see the confusion. I originally thought because they didn't melt they were better ie. would not make a mess when handled by a 'tight-fisted' primary-schooler (melt in their hands). I was about the look up these amazing 'roseart' brand crayons until the comments. Very confusion article, the author should have

fyi the picture is just a regular contact lens fluoresced with fluorescein to highlight how it fits to cornea

*hauls (and I think that scene would be hilarious)

i was similarly miffed, but there is a small respite: if you look up top you can switch to 'blog view' which is kind of like the CA sites. (you still have to view individual articles in the new design though)

@mrClint: $15 at costco for me

Correction: The car in the article is called XC2V. The vehicle named FANG has not been made yet, and refers to a tank.

@wellsje: one set is, but they're all plastic lenses, not as good as glass rayban lenses

fyi tried the tenga, it is garbage - only good for one, maybe two uses (not cleanable). fleshlight is a million times better.

@collex: hank venture wearing his batman mask

@thekeith82: i think it's hank venture from venture brothers wearing his batman mask he wears for every halloween.

@DH405: no if you cover everything but the wood on the left, them play the movie, it does look suspiciously like stop motion. i would want to see a movie done on a tripod. making a video look shaky-cam is a good way to try and hide stop motion

@Fazulka: does look like stop motion