
@FragRev: what a dumb comment..

@GeneralBattuta: agreed, much differnet gameplay, weird how COD nuts who never played battlefield have so much vitriol for it

@gmcannon: lololol COD blows, only fun for gay campers, battlefield has always been more enjoyable

@Cake Tank!: are you high? bad company and battlefield 2 both were way better mulitplayer games than cod.

@swans: Oooh, you big strong man! Sheesh....

@Madgame: The real Demon's Souls starts here.

Now playing

"It's simple, and maybe at times inconvenient, but it's also peaceful and natural."

@karmakazenz1: I'm sure when they say uncontacted they mean by anyone from a developed country. They most likely trade with local tribes, who trade with other local tribes, etc, etc, until you reach tribes that are in contact with the western world to some degree. I can see a manufactured pot and knife being highly

I've always preferred lexx over farscape.

@Clixx13: also i just noticed heartburnkid linked to the Maillard reaction... so thank him :P

@Clixx13: Don't thank me, thank Alton Brown for that knowledge nugget :)

@truthtellah: Haven't seen the correction yet, this sentence needs to be removed "Taco Bell doesn't use beef in their "beef"-based pseudo-Mexican delicacies."