
@Clixx13: Technically not carmelization (when sugar is burned/oxidixed), but similar. It's something called the Maillard reaction, which also involes sugar but in addition to amino acids; creating complex, yummy flavours.

@truthtellah: Yeah this article needs some editing, very poorly written, almost seems like a hissy fit from a hippy.

@Ophite: i didn't think amnesia was that scary, they made your character make all those really annoying heavy breathing noises all the time, it just ended up irritating me. haven't played penumbra though...

@Chernobyl: perhaps it's the specific albums, or the fact that i'm purchasing from canada. regardless i switched to amazon the day i noticed the aac files were protected.

@sloanstrife: also i have both aac's and mp3's, never NEVER have i noticed a difference in sound quality. just some minor technical difference turned into a marketing device, and duping people into thinking it sounds better. placebo.

you can also share mp3's with different computers/devices/friends, itunes files are locked down

@Lawlbringer: space isn't a perfect vacuum, however, the distribution of debris in space is so thin, if you were to take a cubic metre of space - it would have less debris in it than the best laboratory grade vacuum. it only becomes significant on the scale of millions of cubic kilometres of space

@Foohy: I'm sure you mean fMRI, and whether the neurons are firing or idle at the moment, they certainly are constantly being accessed. Any neurons that are not in use at all for a long period of time would just die.

@The_Saddling_Saint: It's a well known fact that the guys from queer eye for the straight guy also use 100% of their brains!

@Qev:Exactly! The brain is about 2% of the mass of the body but consumes something like a quarter of the energy we consume. Natual selection would eliminate such an expensive organ if 90% of it was useless.

God I hate dumbass screenplay writers who peddle this nonsense. We use 100% of our brains 100% of the time, the myth that we only use part of our brain is complete horseshit. I would imagine anyone with adequate biology education would have a hard time suspending their disbelief every time this annoying canard is

@DRaGZ: I do remember that he tried to usurp batman, but was not as well trained in combat or quite as strong. This is all I could drum up on the web though:

@Kidlat13: but on the other hand, in the comics i think he does play around with some kind of super-serum...

@Kidlat13: in the comic he's supposed to have trained his body just as well as batman, i think he even took batmans place for a short period just for the sake of crazy, its been a while since i read it though

@10thDegree: That links to a review for the music album...

@flux: and they didn't even give the musician credit in the video, the jerks

@unclemeat79: and it would have been nice if the video gave credit

@unclemeat79: Actually it's Gonzales - Oregano, I thought it was from the Thomas Crown affair at first too, had to look it up.