Trump, Falstaff, and Saturnalia

Right? It reminds me of all of our middle east meddling. We convinced ourselves that the guys in charge needed to go. We got rid of them, and then we’re stuck looking at the monster that took over saying “oh shit, what the hell did we do???”

It’ll be interesting to see if they’re able to dial it back. Trump’s success is going to make that awfully difficult.

Its the same logic that kept the US and the Ruskies from irradiating all of us.

“receives the support of Farrakhan- as Trump did today”


David Brooks, of all people, wrote a reasonable column on Sunday about what “Establishment” actually means, how the term became a dirty word because of the radical left and Watergate/Vietnam, and the warped hijacking by the teaparty/racist fuckhead element that has led to this horror show.

The fact that people are only just now wondering it makes me roll my eyes. I was overseas in the fall of 2010 and came back fight after the elections. I will NEVER forget the first interview I saw: Katie Couric gently asking about ten Tea Party new congressmen about their plans (sort of a softball, meet the newbies

That’s the kind of thinking that gets Hillary Clinton nominated.

This is how the majority of the ones pulling the strings view things. You can’t have a pyramid of power without an orderly, relatively healthy foundation...

I actually end up with this as my rationale. Also, people always talk about how they don’t want “politicians” in Washington. But those are the people who have studied how the Constitution works, the process of governing on a federal, state, local level. People go to school to learn this. Then they study it! It’s like

Absolutely This! Just during my morning poo & Facebook time, I came across a comment by “Johnny Galt” accusing liberals of being hypocrites when it comes to Islam (wanting to help Syrian refugees vs. calling out Farrakhan’s endorsement of Trump) and today’s endorsement is proof that Trump’s ideals appeal to Muslims.

It makes one laugh and laugh at people who actually think there is such a thing as an ‘outsider’ or ‘non-establishment’ politician. Dudes, just give it up, stop trying to make it happen. It won’t happen if you clap your hands & believe. It’s not really a thing.

The (Republican) Establishment created all the conditions for Trump’s success. They may not like resurgent white nationalism now, but they sure had no problem with it when it was profitable. That’s the problem with trusting mercenaries with the fate of your country.

A week ago I would have asked “Jesus Christ, did that really happen?”

Yeah, it’s off-the-charts bizarre.

Louis Farrakhan and David Duke!

I am not certain and I am TERRIFIED. Take my stepdad for example - he is a staunch Republican who will close his eyes and vote for Donald just because he is Republican. I’m talking about a *fairly* intelligent man voting for this bafoon simply because he has been a Republican his whole life and won’t change now.

In a funny way, it makes one wonder if the “establishment” isn’t so bad after all. Meaning, with all the real or perceived injustice you get when corporations control our politicians, at the end of the day, it’s in their best interests to keep society from falling into the abyss.

In any other election year, I’d say any candidate that receives the support of Farrakhan- as Trump did today- would be blown out of the race. In this case, Trump will be unaffected and perhaps even rise in the polls. You cannot make this shit up.

As much fun as it is to watch the GOP freak out, this maniac should not be this close to any public office. It doesn't matter if everyone is sure that the Democrats can beat him, he should not be in a position to potentially become POTUS. I'm scared and I'm not even American.