Trump, Falstaff, and Saturnalia

Exactly right. Mubarak was a really, really bad guy, but life for the average Egyptian- which doesn’t say much, given they were living on less than $2 a day- was still probably somewhat better than it is now. Same with Iraq under Saddam. Or Syria under Assad. Or Libya under Gaddafi.

I don’t think so. I think Farrakhan would truly like to see more racial tension in order to legitimize his cause.

That’s right. How do you “dial it back” without losing 40% of your base?

Correct. And, while the Nation of Islam isn’t exactly mainstream in the Black community, it isn’t exactly considered as extreme as David Duke. Hopefully, this puts the nail in Farrakhan’s coffin.

Yes, they did. Which is why they will have to dial it way, way back from now on if they want to survive into 2020.

Yeah, it’s off-the-charts bizarre.

In a funny way, it makes one wonder if the “establishment” isn’t so bad after all. Meaning, with all the real or perceived injustice you get when corporations control our politicians, at the end of the day, it’s in their best interests to keep society from falling into the abyss.

In any other election year, I’d say any candidate that receives the support of Farrakhan- as Trump did today- would be blown out of the race. In this case, Trump will be unaffected and perhaps even rise in the polls. You cannot make this shit up.