
It does solely because of Ria’s hackey use of “strange circumstances.”

Earlier this year, Japan launched a groundbreaking black-hole-monitoring satellite—only to lose control of it almost immediately under strange circumstances.

It serves the narrative that you are irredeemable, which is obviously false. I guess the question becomes, at what point do we separate an act from the perpetrator. Jose Reyes will always be considered a wife beater but at what point does he no longer get it mentioned along his name in every instance?

I can get behind that. It is somewhat troubling, given the reason “bitch” is used etc, but a large part of me gets behind the Carlin bit about these all just being words and our own interpretation of them says more about us than the one saying it.

Don’t criticize Durant. He, my friend, is just like you and me. We are all the same, just fighting against the Man and trying to make it in this crazy, cold world. If he under-performs, keep a lid on it because you, too, under-perform. Me? I go in everyday and give about 50% effort and hope no one notices because I am

calling a woman you don’t like a “bitch” exposes your feelings about all women.

Winning in Cleveland did more for the amorphous “legacy” of LeBron than either of the titles in Miami. The bullshit narrative that this is the best move is for Durant in terms of legacy is insane. We should and will look at a title differently when you add Durant to a team with that many top 12 players (and Klay

It should be noted that the value of all these max deals are incorrect as future years are tied to a % of the cap and will be adjusted when the cap moves up.

They are being a needless pedant, but I’d assume the correct term is ‘laid’ though entirely unnecessary to correct what amounts to one of the more benign errors of a Gawker staffer.

Please consider me Swifterland in this debate!

I was hoping there would be a Facebook Live disclaimer again.

That might be the most generous reading of this, especially given Matt’s history of similar gaffes.

No one ever sounded cool not saying “fucking” all the time.

It’d be one thing if it happened once, but he’s now defending the sci-fi bit by exacerbating his misunderstanding of Utopian. It’s actually a bit troubling.

Utopian????? How firmly tongue in cheek is this? Because it sure as hell ain’t sci-fi, but perhaps there could be some debate. But it’d be a cold day in hell before anything McCarthy wrote was considered Utopian.

That is a lot, but I’d argue that Noel today, solely defensively, is far better than anyone after 2 in this draft. They seem to really love Brown, but they guy can’t shoot at all and he’s going to a team with no standout shooter as is.

I once went to an Irish bar new the (new) Garden and ordered the Celtic burger with a hard K because fuck them for wanting to be both.

Oddly, the Celtics did select Davis and then immediately traded him.

The hyperbole undermines the argument as the “severity” plays a part. Person X did Y and therefore should be gone on its face works, but the what matters.