In Toronto, they call that “The Kessel”
In Toronto, they call that “The Kessel”
Don’t laugh. As an American, this is humiliating. Every childish, bully thing he does is a reflection on us, as a people. The outside world doesn’t see Americans as this split thing of people who voted for Trump and those who didn’t. They see us as one nation who elected this asshole (and there is no better term for…
Remember when France was the butt of nation jokes made by Americans?
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I’ve decided, after having a couple alpha-assholes pull the move on me, that the way to deal with this kind of dimestore-leadership-handbook handshake-dominance bullshit is to cut off the attempt by not allowing the wannabe-alpha grab at the palm like a normal person, but instead to close the grip early, clamping down…
C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.
god.. its fucking sad that something as small as a handshake could affect the world nowadays....
Even though I’m a Habs fan, I truly hope PK wins the Cup then brings it to Montreal, where after visiting a children’s hospital he takes a massive dump on Bergevin’s lawn. Who the fuck trades PK Subban? Montreal, that’s who.
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
Can’t wait for Mike fucking Milbury to tell us all about how much of a distraction PK is.
Roger Goodell is probably frothing at the mouth, wishing he had a way to fine Subban over this.
“Mike Pence Eats Dicks” would also have been an acceptable answer.
There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little…
Let’s hope that when they’re of a age to vote there will still be elections, and that they won’t be gerrymandered out.
“According to ABC, one parent posted on social media that students should respect Ryan because he has a fancy job, no matter how much you may want health insurance someday.”
Some kids are smart.
Respect the office = I was just following orders.
That brick has more personality and is less offensive than Mike Pence.
Mr Pence: Ha, you see that honey (casually elbows her in the ribs)