
“Presidents that have been portrayed as Caesar include Lincoln, Reagan, Clinton, George W. Bush and yes, Obama.”

They did it with Obama! They do it with every President. When I was in grade school, this company that goes around the country performing a compilation of different scenes from Shakespeare, instead of the entire plays, did the scene where Caesar’s wife is begging with him to stay home as the Clintons.

I think they`re missing a lot of english literature...

And here I thought that Shakespeare guy is doing an amazing job and getting recognized more and more.

Joseph Goebbles was Hitler’s propaganda minister.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that these people have neither read nor seen a production of Julius Caesar. Spoiler Alert: “We should totally just stab Caesar!” was not Shakespeare’s message. You are confusing Shakespeare with Gretchen Weiners.

Honestly, I think Idris should be considered Zing of the Zaddys.

Oh sweet mercy, these eyes! That scar! The sly, coy looks. The hair! I’m a man, but I’m feeling super pregnant now.

My father would be proud of the greyfit that Justin Theroux is rocking.

The real crime being committed here is the jorts.

That’s the result of a lifetime of Labatt and poutine, right there. Hoser.

That bear is more graceful in a hammock than me. Which species is truly the dominant one?

“What am I, 7+ feet of chopped liver?” — L.A. Laker Wilt Chamberlain

Lebron absolutely started the superteam.

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

OK, new rule: any sitting government official who answers ‘I can’t recall’ to any question about critical meetings they had under 6 months ago they had should be removed from office, because they are either a liar or have mental issues that disqualify them.

Pictured: Warriors fan, Snoop Dogg, Warriors fan.

To be fair, “Snoop Dogg, herb” is pretty much every photo of the man I’ve ever seen.

The funniest line in this post was “Additional reporting by Tom Ley.”