
Because all those voters have been brainwashed since birth into believing anything Republicans say. Politics has become so tribal, and voters all toe the line when told to do so. Also, let’s not forget how beholden Republicans are to the insurance companies.

It’s unfortunate the ACA was branded Obamacare in the first place rather than what it actually was a national rollout of Massachusetts’ Romneycare. The GOP could start by reinstating the insurance backstops Marco Rubio took away which resulted in insurers leaving the market en masse. The ACA is failing because the GOP

Bless your sweet, optimistic sunny heart. While I wish mightily for single payer healthcare, I don’t think it will ever happen. Our Corporate Overlords, who own the GOP asshats in Congress, don’t want us to have reliable healthcare. They want us sick, desperate and broke. We make much more docile workers that way.

Because Fox News.

While I wholeheartedly agree that we SHOULD have universal single payer healthcare, I just cannot get on any ACA repeal bandwagon.

I’m just trying to be honest on all counts. :)

It’s the most stressful job—knowing that Trump has the keys to the nukes.

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

I hope that name triggered an automatic visit from Child Protective Services.

Seriously. His parents must have been on the bz when they chose that. Lzrs.

Koen? Was he conceived in the plumbing fixtures aisle of a Home Depot?

Um, no. You don’t even need to be an athlete for that first name to be bad ass. Let me paint you a little scenario.

Why did they bother having names then?

Please tell me that “Massen” is Todd Gill’s kid....

Krz is bullshit. I don’t care how good you are at hockey, you don’t get to have a name that doesn’t have a vowel. You’re not an app.

And 5 Bradens!!

Cannon is a fuckin badass name.

Massen as in ‘Mason’, or Massen as in ‘Assen’?

There are four, FOUR! spellings of Kaden and not one single Raiden. The world is moving in the wrong direction.