
have you ever seen them in the same room together?!?

Lifeguarding, fire and police all have a single standard in most places. Do your research before you complain.

Imagine how much the horn-helmet would hurt on the way out though!

Daresay, in almost every instance...

this, unto infinity

Everything below the eyes is just atrocious

If it’s a support animal, it’s not a very effective one.

Yeah lap babies don’t look safe at all

Mental illness isn’t something to be ashamed of. It’s like if Rosie told everyone Chelsea had diabetes or epilepsy. People who make it something shameful are mistaken and those who perpetuate the idea that it is something to “tell”, or not, are part of the problem.

Oh wow, her presence is making him smarter!

my mom saved my teeth AND the dog’s baby teeth and then MIXED THEM TOGETHER

Does your pit make your heeler dumber? I swear that my lab mutt dumbs down my Aussie mutt.

Those poor crack-puppies... I’m pretty sure the bigger of my two had a wayward mother as well. He’s so dumb he makes my smart dog dumber just by virtue of his company. He’s a lovely, sweet, beautiful creature but dammmnnn he has very little in the brains dept


My best friend is like this! A dozen years ago we were out at a club and she had her ID, cell phone, smokes, and lighter in her bra and still managed to smuggle in two mini bottles of Champagne for me. She is also the most tactful, warm and tough-as-nails broad I know.

I would like to take this class

There was a bear who did one day

One of my dogs looks like a black bear and it’s so cute I can’t even handle it sometimes... also I would pet the shit out of this curious little friend. (This is why I would never be able to work in a zoo or in close proximity to wild creatures- I would absolutely lose a hand within my first month on the job)

I would like John Oliver on standby to explain most things that are so logical I can’t properly express them without having a rage-stroke

I thought that was a given ;)