For anyone who questions why someone like Ford never went to the cops just read how this woman was treated by the police when she reported the rape. Apparently kissing = consent to everything and hiring a lawyer to protect yourself is frowned upon.
For anyone who questions why someone like Ford never went to the cops just read how this woman was treated by the police when she reported the rape. Apparently kissing = consent to everything and hiring a lawyer to protect yourself is frowned upon.
“My brother lasts way longer than 5/7 minutes!”
1) Yesterday was not a trial. It was a job interview for one of the most exclusive and prestigious jobs in America. The burden of proof is only and entirely on the applicant to demonstrate he’s the absolute best person for the job. “Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply. You don’t know what the fuck you’re…
This could be credibly read as an examination of how South Park’s “you’re an idiot for caring” attitude has influenced some of the worst aspects of modern culture. South Park has been reckoning with its own legacy since Season 19, and this makes it clear that the trend of self-examination isn’t going to stop.
Every day we stray further from god’s light.
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
Still can’t believe the Knicks signed the forklift to a max contract.
I’d be the last guy to defend Chevy Chase because the guy is clearly an asshole, but his assessment of today’s SNL isn’t too far off.
No Smigel’s Triumph. No Masturbating Bear. Not even Vomiting Kermit. I do indeed question AV Club’s Conan credentials.
You stole my Kinja handle. wtf? Not cool. Get your own lame gimmick. This one’s mine.
This is all well and good. Yet you fail to answer the most pressing question:
“Fake shoes!"
I’m still paying off my most recent visit to Whole Foods … or as I like to call it, Whole Paycheck.
Hot take: I don’t get a single solitary shit about anything Norm MacDonald has said, and I’m your textbook pinko liberal
I always loved all these segments, particularly Stacey, and thought the guts the Slipnutz had of doing their act live in front of a Slipknot crowd was fantastic. But you left out some of my other favorites which include:
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the Star Wars Fans (and really, any Triumph appearance, I also…
The failure to mention Robert Smigel makes me wonder if any of these people actually watched the show.
Look, I understand that Norm Macdonald may have irreparably fucked his career going forward, but your list not including this interview pretty much invalidates it:
The Viper*