I think ApathyMonger is trying, and rather poorly I might add, to imply that technically, this is supposed to be the “actor” playing Pete, not the character from the movie.
I think ApathyMonger is trying, and rather poorly I might add, to imply that technically, this is supposed to be the “actor” playing Pete, not the character from the movie.
This is awesome and a good push by Konami. Ive been on the fence about picking up a PES for years but am a slave to the Fifa licensing. Now I can see what the fuss is about and maybe give PES my buisness for 2020.
Maaaaan this looks disappointing. Harold is a truly terrifying story and should be a feature on his own.
I mean, the shrines were great and all, but none of them had intricate folding on top of itself puzzles like the water temple or even a sense of theme throughout them that other dungeons have. I don’t think its unrealistic to want more of both in the next Zelda.
“If you are not someone who especially gives a shit about these Marvel characters, there’s a very good chance you will find this deeply annoying.”
Is this seriously the thesis of this massive article: If you don’t care about this, you’re not going to care about this?
WHHHAAAAAAAT!?!?! How did I never know this?
Jason, a recommendation:
No matter how well written, writing or defining what punk rock “is” and its ethos always falls flat. Kind of a shame because it’s such a strong vibe when you see it, but it really boils down to “Punk is just like...it’s Punk man!”
you INSIST?!
Aren’t there lines from characters other than Sarah referring to the monsters, specifically calling out how they can’t see and hunt by sound? Why would these characters be directly referencing monsters if Sarah was the one doing the killings? Sarah is clearly losing her mind but that doesn’t mean she is responsible…
Its very very strong, but assuming its not a 2-tap I don’t think its OP, just S-tier. Will certainly be a mainstay in the meta unless something changes with it.
The 93 for me is after the reload perk procs, hits for about 70 to the head on precision hits before the perk. Not sure about body damage though, but pretty sure after the reload you can kill with a single head and 2 body shots which is not capable of any other hand cannon. Ive def 2 shotted people not at full health (…
Interesting, what is your resilience set to? May have something to do with that. Normally I run a resilience of 4 and its been enough to keep me alive unless 3-tapped. It hits for 93 crit damage when Ive gotten headshots at close range, which has typically left a sliver of health on opponents after 2 headshots. Ive bee…
I disagree about the gun being OP. Even with the reload perks it’s a 3-shot kill on full health guardians. There are guns that outperform it ttk-wise at long and short ranges, but there is no denying that it is strong and especially versatile for a hand cannon. It excels at what all hand cannons do, which is…
Agree with all of this. White Palace (and Path of Pain especially) was my favorite part of an already amazing game. Its entirely optional, but probably the most rewarding gaming experience I’ve had since popping in Dark Souls many years back. Absolutely punishing, but never unfair, you can and should master the path!
Gotta disagree with you here. In addition to being DLC content and completely optional to finish the game. There are several difficult platforming pieces through the game that give you a taste. Also, dare I mention Path of Pain which gives you further interesting lore if completed but doesn’t even count towards…
Counterpoint: Pulp’s Like a Friend in Venture Bros
A tie is what they call a set of matches home and away, so it was the goal that won the set of matches. It happens this game also ended in a tied score, but do to having more away goals than Barcelona they move through because of that tie-breaker. Not confusing at all, I know.
Sweet Baby Rays mixed to taste with Sriracha is a delicious spicy-sweet spread from heaven.