
I know you may not enjoy it because you feel you’re not up to snuff in PVP but the quest isn’t that bad. It’s a matter of time and commitment. If someone wants it they just have to put in the time to get the 5 invader kills which can be tough but eventually you can get them and the 25 headshot kills again might be a

Don’t sell yourself short. If you’re patient enough you can get lucky with bad invaders, team fire and get lucky with the final blow, etc. And in doing this, like Kirk, you may improve at PvP.

Why didn’t you call me Stephen?

There are worse things to be on the news for than “DIPPED CHICKEN FINGER IN COKE.”

Ah yes that famous community of liberals that definitely exists willing to battle over the good name of fucking ER.

A BB gun still can look pretty much the same as a regular gun. What should they do, wait for her to actually fire? 

Day one Switch purchase. Hell, I’ll buy it twice if it means we get a new release in the series.

The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch. 

This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think

Zlatan isn’t washed up; washing up is Zlataned.

good god this is inane. having been present for the births of both of my children, missing them would not have been The Worst Thing Ever, and could be made up easily through the mandatory decades of subsequent parenting.


Oh my fucking God. Dude, ask your wife what she’s comfortable with. If she says it’s fine and everything can be handled, then go and have a nice weekend relaxing before an incredibly busy (but rewarding) period of your life. If she says she’s uncomfortable with you going, then stay the fuck home. This shit isn’t hard.

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

As a Maryland season ticket holder (haven’t missed a home game in almost 20 years), these reports make me sick to my stomach. Unless he can somehow prove that these reports are a compete fabrication (they arent), durkin and the strength and conditioning staff should be out on their ass. I get that this macho bullshit

The French Riviera of South Dakota, the Ibitha of Nebrathka.

The Orioles logo is a fucking classic and you take it back

I didn’t even like the movie that much and I found myself defending it solely because people clearly didn’t understand the movie and were projecting all this crap at it that the movie is not even trying to address.

How much recoil do u think a pistol has? He’s not holding a shotgun ffs..