Slint Eastwood

Well, that's a shame, because you're missing out on a good Star Wars film

That's one element of RotS. But there's a hundred great, novel ideas in it that we've never seen in a Star Wars film before. It's depressing that people think Disney's shameless nostalgia pandering in TFA is exciting rather than gross and insulting

Nope, this universe. RotS is sometimes clumsily executed, but it's original and the story is strong. TFA is all empty nostalgia, and manages to fuck up all the basics of telling a compelling story

Dead serious. RotS is flawed but good, TFA is mostly garbage

Revenge of the Sith was much better than TFA, so this is actually a great idea

It's all debasing fan service even before the familiar faces show up, though. Every five seconds Abrams is poking you in the ribs and going "Remember in Star Wars when THIS happened!"

Christ, this film was awful. All recycled beats from the OT without any of the storytelling craftsmanship that made those films work. Treats the fans like rubes. Shitty and pointless.

His Girl Friday is fantastic. Genuinely hilarious, not just "hilarious for 1940"

You should listen to the Undisclosed podcast. It looks pretty unlikely that either Jay or Adnan was involved in the crime.

He didn't just repost jokes, he would elaborately crop them to remove attribution, which takes more work than just reposting them. He's been shamed into attributing some things, sometimes, but he's still a thief and complete garbage.

What's frustrating now, after hearing Undisclosed, is that Koenig got bogged down in that minutiae but missed actually important information about the case, like that the autopsy results contradicted the prosecution's story, the cell data was meaningless, and Jay was being coached to give testimony that matched the

This article should probably mention the Undisclosed podcast, which has found a bunch of problems with the prosecution's case and examples of police misconduct that were missed by Serial. It looks pretty clear now that the case against Adnan was fabricated, he wasn't involved in the crime, and quite probably Jay

The cartoon is 20 minutes of Optimus Prime screaming "You fucking manbabies are ruining popular culture!"

They should rebrand "Great Job, Internet!" as "Look! Someone is aware that two things exist"

This is garbage, dude sucks, why are you posting this?

Fuck, yes! Wire is the best band.

I like forward to Banks's Twitter feuds with Common, Jill Scott, Lucien Laviscount, Lorraine Toussaint, Hana Mae Lee, RZA, and Azealia Banks

Fucking bravo, he's totally right about this

Fucking yes! This album rules

He's one of the all-time great producers, but I don't know if you could call him peerless now when his beats are mostly assembled by the team of other producers he corrals for every album