Slint Eastwood

Fuck off, Matthew Newton, you woman-beating piece of shit.

So you're a white supremacist horrified that people want Asian actors to get lead roles? Cool, cool.

It's a crime that The Nice Guys isn't on this list. Best film of the year by a long long way.

Diamond Dogs has Sweet Thing/Candidate on it, which is up there with the best things he ever recorded

I think DKR also really suffers from elements that would have read as a parody of right-wing politics at the time now seeming like a genuine expression of Miller's beliefs, in light of his later work

Why not? He's a good critic

More like Dean Strangle, because he strangled all those people, sorry Strangoholics


You could add "When The Wind Blows" for a Bowie trifecta

Borrowing elements from multiple films to create something that's very, very different from those films is not the same thing as slavishly copying a single film because you're a hack director shamelessly milking the audience's nostalgia for that one film.

The hokeyness is what makes the squid great. It's a silly comic book idea that Moore mines for actual pathos, which is Watchmen in a nutshell.

Meanwhile, there have been surprisingly few takers for Martin Swope's tape loop manipulation lessons

I would've given H to His Girl Friday. Not the most romantic, but Christ it's funny

Wake me up when it wins a bunch of "fucking awful screenplay" awards

Kinda-obvious "who would be a good pick for a tribute" candidate: Michael C. Hall, the Bowie-approved dude who's been playing Bowie and singing Bowie songs for months

No it isn't

Absolute Beginners
Time Will Crawl
You've Been Around
Untitled No. 1
Thru These Architect Eyes
I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
Strangers When We Meet
Battle For Britain (The Letter)
Dead Man Walking
The Angels Have Gone
She'll Drive The Big Car
Looking For Water

Endangering but not killing a female character isn't fridging. You're stretching the definition of the trope to the point where it's meaningless. Also, she isn't suffering to give Anakin "man pain". He's motivated by love and fear of loss.

That doesn't make it more than one element of the film. Even if it's a tired trope, it still establishes stakes and motivates Anakin's arc in the film, which is infinitely preferable to TFA, a film with no stakes, no character arcs, no plot worth giving a shit about.