Slint Eastwood

Look closely at the ball droid and you'll see it's covered in nicotine patches

And the Nobel Prize for knowing that two things exist and making them happen at the same time goes to animalrobot

Stop fronting like you don't know that "Blurred Lines" is a great song.

So do you think the James Brown estate should sue The Time, too?

Mark Ronson mostly wrote that track, and it's way more late 70s-80s funk than James Brown. It's a pastiche rather than a lift of a particular song, so no one's getting sued over it.

Chris Brown, depressingly, has a dedicated fanbase who keep buying his music and blame Rihanna for getting herself beat up. Thicke has a couple of hits but no fanbase, as the sales of his last record showed.

Still a great song though.

Yeah, but:

Most of popular culture right now is just a great big sign that reads "ALL OF OUR LIVES PEAKED IN CHILDHOOD SO LET'S ALL GO BACK THERE FOREVER"

If any man is for the birds, it's Bieber

'Door'. It helps him leave the house in the morning without getting concussed.

No, Ice will be commemorating the march on Selelma. A totally different place that doesn't infringe on anyone's copyright.

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Shit, I hope they'll still let my lounge band The Mai Tai Massacre play there

Apparently CBS was initially opposed to having Jimmy Carter be the guy that shot J.R., but the executives caved when he had one of his Secret Service goons choke Patrick Duffy to death right in front of them.

Judging from the colour and build it's a Black Angus

I hope China realises that forcing dissidents to watch sketches that repeat the same weak gag forever with no punchline is prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Torture

The crew is in a pretty strong bargaining position here - half the jokes in the film won't make sense if they delay production till after everyone forgets what the Left Shark was.

Oh no! But what will social media have to be snarky about if Syfy can't deliberately make garbage for social media to be snarky about?