Slint Eastwood

Oddly enough, Masta Killa's No Said Date is one of the best latter-day Wu albums.

They should follow the old Jackie Chan formula: 20 minutes of fighting and stunts, 50 interminable minutes of broad sex farce, 20 more minutes of fighting. The comic highpoint of the film will be when Uwais reaches around a corner and accidentally grabs Rousey's boob.

This might explain that lack of critical or cultural impact

Terry O'Quinn Medicine Woman?

You must not have heard what KITT had to say about Jews when he was pulled over for drunk driving in '93.

Film schools should use Spider-Man 3 as a perfect example of how not to write a screenplay. I can't think of another film that was so dependent on ridiculous plot contrivances to propel the story. Sandman accidentally shoots Ben Parker, accidentally falls into a particle accelerator. The venom costume falls out of the

Eww, I got some in my eye!
Wait … this isn't web fluid!

I love the way that PKD, even when he could have wrapped a book up relatively neatly, couldn't resist blowing everything up at the end. "Oh, you thought Ubik almost made sense? Well how would you like a Joe Chip coin? Ha ha ha!"


There's no books on it, just pounds and pounds of weed.

If not him, Oneohtrix Point Never

Even without adapting it directly, there are a ton of great ideas in that book that an adventurous screenwriter could use - Mercerism, mood organs, fake pets, the encroaching kipple …

Even better! They've signed up Skrillex and deadmau5!

There's a great bit in that book where Deckard gets taken to a police station and accused of being an android, but *spoiler* it turns out the station is a fake, and all the cops in it are androids. Classic Dick.

For maximum confusion avoidage, let's call it 'B1ade One-er'

It's more likely to work than bringing him back as an ageing Indy did. In Blade Runner he dialled back his natural charm to play Deckard as weary and burned out, and he's been perfecting that acting style for the last two decades.

Nah fuck off. And he was right about Bush.

Deadline is now reporting that the three mystery characters have leaked.

The correct answer is Terence Trent D'Arby

To be fair, screwing with the continuity was the least of that movie's problems.