Slint Eastwood

And now he says 'SJW', filling every box on the predictable racist arsehat bingo card. I love it.

You know what I love about you racist dipshits? It's the endless recycling of empty right-wing cliches. You could literally be replaced with a bot and no one would notice the difference.

You racist, racist? Yep. Fuck off troll.

Piss off back to YouTube, troll

Oh, hey, look! It's Racist McFuckinghorribleracistsackofshit, back from addressing the Klan rally. Fuck off, you fucking contemptible racist troll.

But who the fuck sees black actors using an event that's got some media attention as an opportunity to join in widespread protests against police brutality, and thinks "Oh they're just trying to promote their film"? Racists, that's who.

Apart from the political aspects, it would've been a great thing if the Academy had embraced this film just because it skilfully avoids most of the common failings of the prestige biopics that usually win awards.

That was the hour I thought was okay! It all went to shit after the big, too-easy-to-see coming twist, though. Then it was all implausible characters and their ZANY schemes.

Uhh, but she's complaining about them wearing "I can't breathe shirts" when the film premiered, before it could be snubbed for anything.

I thought it was a great film and should have been a serious Best Picture contender, although I'd rather see Whiplash win. I'd have no problem with her saying there's no art to it if that was all she said. Instead she was all "The nerve of these uppity blacks! How dare they not want people to get choked to death by

If someone sees people protesting police brutality against black people, and leaps to the least charitable interpretation of their protest, I think we can put a big tick in the 'racist' box.

What they should do instead is get a dog, and lay out photos of all the nominees in front of it, and whichever one the dog eats first, that's who wins the Academy Award for that year.

The story of where he got the jokes from is great:
' I found the jokes in a book my dad gave me when I was a kid called Jokes For Retirement Parties. When I started stand up, that’s when he gave it to me. It was really sweet of him. Like he had this stupid, fucking corny book, “Hey maybe this will help.”'
From: http://t

Oh, we're back to the white guilt? You're like a möbius strip of stupidity. This isn't an intellectual debate, buddy. It's you being an ignorant fuckwit, me calling you a fuckwit, and you not getting that you're a fuckwit.

Woah! And you're also one of those jackasses who thinks the only possible reason any male could show an interest in the wellbeing of women is if he's faking it because he wants to sex them. So not only do you have all the intellectual prowess of a crab with its head kicked in, you're also a sociopath. You really are

We need JK Simmons to guard the galaxy now more than ever, it's too bad he's suffering from whiplash?

If that lazy bastard Welles ever gets around to finishing The Other Side of the Wind, it'll be a lock for Best Picture.

"Maybe Gillian Flynn should build her next page-turner around the mystery
of why this well-reviewed smash failed to secure more than a single
Oscar nomination."

*reads a Nabin article, deletes that bookmark*