Slint Eastwood

"if people work the same regardless gender, they're paid the same"

Kanye's a talented producer with a good ear. But he's a 'take a dope bit from a dope track and loop it' guy. He doesn't radically reconfigure or re-contextualise samples.

You don't have an argument, arsehat. "Bu..buh..buh..but if women were men they wouldn't be discriminated against" isn't an argument. What you've got is ignorance pooling up in that tiny cranium of yours and dribbling out of your mouth.

I've noticed this too. There's a fine line between funny snark and mean-spirited cheap shots, and most of these writers don't have O'Neal's talent for landing on the right side of it.

Local mom disquvers one weird quirk!

The Super Adventure Club was right!

Not only is Jerry Lewis still alive, Jerry LEE Lewis is still alive too.

Ooh ooh ooh - I just thought of a GREAT Vanilla Ice joke! You ready?

What??? Disqus has a weird quirk???

Cronache del dopobomba
Cronache del dopobomba
Se necesita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia pa(ra) mi pa(ra) ti

It would be quite … effects heavy. To afford to make it for TV, I'm expecting ReBoot-quality CG.

And High Castle got picked up? It's a great day

What's amazing is that Syzygy Darklock isn't even the worst name in that comic. Take a bow, Skeevo Phlatus.

"Self-hating white guy"? Hah! Man, get a load of this clown. Hate to break it to you, but the only people who call someone a "self hating x" are motherfuckers who are too dumb to construct an actual argument. That's on the level of "you're just jealous!" or "I know you are but what am I?".

One of the best things about that book is the way it pairs an earnest exposition of Dick's philosophical/cosmological theories with some quite savage self-parody. He was a crank, but at least he knew he was a crank.

Also, folks who've just consumed their own body weight in speed

You think the world doesn't act like it owes wealthy white men more than everyone else? 'Studies have shown that'. Seriously? Unless you've spent your entire life locked in a basement with as your only contact with the outside world, there's really no excuse for being that utterly fucking clueless about

Wait, wait, wait … Are you actually so ludicrously fucking naive as to believe that you live in a society where what people get paid is a fair reflection of how hard they work? Man, that's really cute. If you weren't a stereotypically misogynistic right wing troll fuckwit, I'd want to pat you on the head and give you

First of all, fuck you, you're an idiot. Second, study after study has also shown gender bias in hiring and promotion. Third, do you think maybe the bit where high-paying industries are dominated by men, and women get stuck in low paid jobs has something to do with thousands of years of women getting fucked over in a

I get that Kanye's in this thing because he's a bigger name, but he has no business sitting alongside Dilla and 9th in a demonstration of sample flipping