Slint Eastwood

But we know that wasn't Jay's motive for helping Adnan, because if that was his motive, he would have said that was his motive, instead of saying what he actually said. Not only are you believing Jay when he says stuff that all the evidence says is a lie, you're also choosing not to believe Jay, and make up a story

But that was much later than when the Leakin Park calls happened.

But that's not what Jay says Adnan said. (Discounting the silly west-side hitman story) Jay only claims that Adnan threatened to tell the cops about his drug dealing, which makes no sense as a threat as I explained above.

The 'no motive' thing cuts both ways. Maybe Jay had no motive to kill Hae, but he also had no motive to help Adnan bury Hae, and Adnan had no motive to ask him to help bury Hae.

But we don't know who those calls came from, so how can you say it was someone connected to Adnan? 'Very few' is actually a fuck of a lot of people.

Yeah, which only indicates that he was there.

The two calls near Leakin Park are both incoming. The next outgoing calls are to Jenn's pager.

We know that a call was made from around Leakin Park at that time, but we don't know who had the phone then. And note that all the calls around that time were to Jenn, who was closer to Jay than to Adnan.

If a key moment is when he got the call from Adnan, Jay's time for that contradicts the time the prosecution claimed, and contradicts the cell records. If another key moment is when they buried the body, Jay now claims that that was close to midnight, which also contradicts everything.

The guy has told lie after lie after lie. So when he gives four different explanations of why he did something, I don't think it's harsh to figure that those explanations are probably lies too.

And now you're inventing an explanation for Jay's actions that isn't the explanation that Jay actually gave, except in his ridiculous west-side hitman story. Like I said, you're being way too charitable to him.

What, he thought that no one would notice this girl was missing?

Yeah, because the cops would go much easier on young black male in the hood burying a body.

I'm kind of baffled by how the podcasters all seem to buy Jay's ridiculous story about how he helped bury a body because he was worried that this murderer who showed up with his victim's body in the trunk of his car would rat him out for weed dealing.

If you read the coverage of Jay's police interviews at it seems clear that Jay was extensively coached in ways that made his testimony make no actual sense.

'Those same cellphone records also corroborated Jay’s testimony about Adnan’s movements on the night of the crime.

AKA "Remember how good Heat was and my isn't Chris Hemsworth handsome, also there's computers: The Movie"

Someone who might have some artistic talent is wasting it pandering to childhood nostalgia instead of actually creating something original because apparently that's all that anyone will fucking click on, internet.

In my nightmare, he's giving an impossibly graphic description of the erection he got from reading the leaked script for Green Lantern 2.

And I'd managed to totally forget that Harry Knowles existed. Thanks for nothing, Barsanti!