Slint Eastwood

Jay telling the police what they want him to to avoid being prosecuted for drug dealing makes more sense than Jay burying a body to avoid being prosecuted for drug dealing. And if the police had this thing pinned on Adnan, but nothing to connect him to the crime, that would give them a reason to coerce someone into

Heading into outlandish speculation territory, do we know for sure that Jay knew where the car was? Is it possible that the police found out the location of the car some other way, and fed that information to Jay to make his testimony more credible?

Also, there was this time when she said Aborigines don't like to live in enclosed spaces, so when the government builds them houses they destroy them and sleep outside instead. So she's super racist. And dumb as all shit.

Nah, she'd get away with it in Australia because Australians are racist as fuck.

So who do you all think did it? I know it's a bit of a stretch, but I think the killer was Pops Weatherby. Think about it:

Describing it as a 'statutory rape case' lets Polanski off easy. The victim was underage, but she also says he drugged her and she said 'no'.

Yeah, what was with the nu-metal guitar shit?

Yeah, but these movies are about a bunch of dudes with claw hands and laser eyes. If the action scenes are the weakest parts, then they've got the wrong director.

These cards are such a tease. They don't even say what the X-Wings information is!

Right, I'm putting my predicting hat on. Here's who the rest of the cast is playing:

What I don't get about these Telltale games is why they still take the form of point-and-click adventures if what they're actually trying to be is interactive movies. Like, why aren't they just cutscenes and dialogue trees? At best the 'walk around and click the occasional item' parts feel like padding, and at worst

'I’m still not in absolute love with the breakdown where Swift talks about the song’s “sick beat”'

Brett Morgen is going to feel like a real jackass when he realizes he could've called it 'Kurt Cobain: Moist Vagina' instead.

This list needs more Shellac on it.

What the fuck is the deal with these hooks? Are they meant to be a concession to a mainstream audience that doesn't exist outside of RZA's head? Nobody is buying Wu-Tang records in 2014 except for ageing heads and ageing Pitchfork readers, and neither of those want to hear this shit. The only time a non-sampled sung

Ooh, the script for the trailer has leaked:

Twat! That was liquid football!

I think DC is just fucking with Moore at this point.

Also, he's a competitive pumpkin grower now.