Joakim Jonsson

As a swede reading american news, thats what I’ve been wondering the whole time.

Well, if you were serious you can actually pre-order the game on steam.

Yeah that was a problem with the early instances. They were a bit too diffcult to be worth it. Back then you did them more for unlocking raids than the loot reward they gave.

It feels like this is a problem when you make certain multiplayer games too “accessible”. I would compare it to 6 man instances in World of Warcraft in vanilla and after they introduce the “looking for group” system when you got into the instances and in a group automatically within a short amount of time. In vanilla

It feels like the sort of mistake people will just do at the beginning. The opposite team got in that position because they didn’t get any % of point when they attacked. Which makes it likely that they didn’t use any flankers, or the other team did one hell of a job defending it.

Can you enter the house if you manage to fly up there? Would be a fun sniping, a bit obvious maybe, but hilarious.

I don’t really consider it stupid if they didn’t think much how Ocarina of time was connected to NES zelda games. I mean continuity with the 90s generations of games wasn’t really that much of an expectation. It was common that game series remade their story several of times, especially when they made the switch from

The official timeline came after Twlight Princess and right before Skyward sword. I mean Nintendo can say they had it hidden somewhere all along before that but for me personally I don’t think the series was designed with that in mind.

Yeah, but consider that that multiplayer Fable game was also very far into development before Microsoft closed that down. I recall the developers writing about releasing a open beta on their blog just a week away before they closed down.

At this point I wouldn’t be suprise if Sea of Thieves got canceled too. Seems like microsoft really shoot themself by with their ideas of “games as a service”. Every previous generation I played on an xbox, but now I play on pc. And if I would get a console ps4 exclusives wouldn’t even make that a consideration.

I’ve really enjoyed your playthrough of Witcher 3, Riley! Good reading! :)

So many good games coming out right now. And unlike last year, not all of them are multiplayer games.

As much as I love the music in the series I think the lack of it when you are exploring the world was a good call. It would just be too repetitive. And even if there isn’t any music the sound design of the environments are very well done and adds a lot to the atmosphere of the game, as well as the piano notes you hear

That Catapult has so much potential.

In that case, can you play the game entirely on the pad though? I really enjoy that feature on the games that allow it.

Gonna be interesting to see her ultimate combined with Symmetrias shield ultimate. Feels like thats gonna be hard to beat for the attackers. But then, that might make flankers more valuable in a competitive game.

Great episode guys! Enjoying these guests. :)

I like the character itself too, it’s just how they designed for her to deliver the tutorial text and other types of exposition around her. It was too much.  I liked Navi too.