Joakim Jonsson

After Skyward Sword I am ready for a zelda that gives you little info.

One thing I find interesting about this whole thing is that it’s not the first time I’ve heard a “jew joke” from a maker studios youtube channel. Because I used to watch Game Grumps a lot and they pull that stuff all the time. And of course Arin and Dan can defend it by saying Dan is a jew himself. But out of context

Yeah I was confused by that too. Although I’ve been busy so couldn’t play regardless. I actually bought the mercy skin at the last second. Could have bought the other 750 skin for tracer and Symmetra. But I don’t think I would have used them.

I used to buy heartstone cards. It was a good way to learn not to.

Huh, thats actually same with me. I likes these skins more so than the Christmas event so I put far more effort in to it. But I got less skins. (2 from christmas, and 1 from the rooster event.) Whats worst is that I have 2970 credits on the last day. Thats a bummer.

I really appricated how open you are with your life Nathan with this and other articles! A good reading.

Just watching that wind waker screenshot on top makes me happy.

It’s just the political climate we live in at the moment. Consider this is a turning point of 2 rather progressive decades. A lot of people consider the right conservative political wave we see now as an underdog who been shut out from mainstream politics a long time. Ultimately I don’t think you can convince them

Actually statics shows that one of the biggest groups of voters for Trump were uneducated. So no not everyone, but yes, a significant part.

Has Valve given up on Steam Machines? That went silent fast.

If the whole staff was in the same setting as Danganronpa, and you had to murder eachother to graduate, which one would be the main character? ANd which one would be the first murder and victim?

There is too few Lets player that focus on Hatsune Miko games, Mike!

How does that even work at gaming events and such? Would they for example try throw you out if they notice one of you bought a ticket to quakecon?

Do you guys like me? :0

Would boycotting a game really do anything? Especially if comes from a major publisher. Feels like bringing up the games problems would be more effective.

Venom Snake really should have smiled more in the game. Along with a few other emotions.

Good to see you once again Leo! Really appreciate your stuff. Heck I even wrote a small notice about it in TAY a few weeks ago.

15 of the hijackers from 9/11 was from saudi arabia, 2 was from United arab emirates, 1 egypt and 1 from Libanon. This would not have stopped 9/11.

Nah, I was just joking. Doing that to kids is a generalized and simplified solution that would just harm innocent people more than anything. Which could also be said about....

Funny you say that because its staticly more likly that your kids will kill you than a stranger breaking into your home, and wastly less from an actual terrorist. I know its not a popular or cool opinion, but we really should ban kids.