Joakim Jonsson

If I recall right, a lot of developers from Dynamix, the creators behind Tribes, worked on Planetside after Dynamix closed down.

As a big Tribes 2 fan I really wanted Ascend to be great. I was hyped for it when I got a new pc a few years back. But it just felt so limited compared to Tribes 2. So much stuff you have to unlock. And if you in the previous games have enjoyed huge maps with 64 vs 64 players anything less feels like a letdown. They

I would say that the setting makes for a great story. A war with no clear bad guys is not exceptional. Its the reality of war. If they can show the pointlessnes of war, and the people lost it, they have an awesome story. (Yes I am aware we’re talking about a battlefield game, but you can always hope!)

Considering the amount of Sonic games under different studios Sega does I find it hard to believe they will ever have a consistent quality. But I am optimistic about Mania. And Sonics offical twitter. :)

But Sonic Mania is coming out 2017!

Now playing

I had some sort of toy that would play it. Don’t even remember what the toy looked like just that it would play the song. I think that toy mysteriously disappeared pretty fast.

I thought I was the only one left alive who remember that song.

Yeah, my niece watched it about the same age and she had to hide behind me during some of the parts of the movie. Although even if she found it scary the first time she actually wanted to rewatch it and it became a big favorit for her.

Well if the guy at Digital Homicide was ever capable of either option A or B I don’t think we would have gotten this far.

Yeah, I suspected Valve would react on this in some way. They are probably not obliged to do anything. But if you ask for costumer data you better have a damn good reason to.

I wonder if Valve will react on this. I wouldn’t say they are responsible to protect their user in this case. But I can see that they wouldn’t either want to handing out users info for every ridicules case like this.

Although, I somehow doubt these guys have the resources to keep this up themself.

I’m gonna assume that they, like with Jim Sterlings case, are gonna drive the case themself without lawyers? Well if so.

It’s the small details that separates the great from the good.

You could argue that it was part of the reason that Valve all the sudden went against gambling and is now forcing sites to close down. In that case it has made a huge impact on the industry. So even if tmartin walks lightly out of it, (Which I would say is an overstatment, considering the consquences of it is still

Members of Scientology doesn’t usally speak against it. Because it can affect their “ranking” within it, but also socially. Because members usally have their friends and family as members to and Scientology activly endores people to ignore and avoid people speaking against. Or times force them to stop.

I pretty much suspected this from the start, but worst. I wasen’t aware of his stork and his conditon because of it 2006. Just thought he was under a lot of pressure from Scientology to quit.

What mods have you worked on?
