I think the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are prime examples how an decent movie can become awesome when the soundtrack is so good.
I think the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are prime examples how an decent movie can become awesome when the soundtrack is so good.
I guess its working out for them anyway. But its kinda of weird thing not focus more on, because, on personal level, when a movie has a good soundtrack I get so easily emotionally attached to what is going on. Even if the movies isn’t that good. I think thats partly why a lot of animated movies touch me.
Get the trilogy of the first games. Its avaliable on 3DS and iphone/ipap pretty cheap these days. Essentially, the gameplay is pretty much the same in the whole series, but its fun the see the story progress between games.
No need to worry.
I would go with the first one, because its avaliable on both 3DS and Iphone/ipad in the trilogy. It has aged well and if you end up playing more of them its fun to experiance the story from start to finish.
Really had to stop myself from running to the store and get a 3DS to play this. But the only thing keeping me is that the previous games came to OSX eventually. I do consider Phoenix Wright my favorit gaming series right now. No matter how repetious they can seem I always get so invested in the case and the characters.
Well, it shouldn’t suprised us. Their feelings was revealed on Highlight Reel:
There is at least Divinity: OS 2 coming. And it looks awesome. ;)
Nope. This game is very specficly designed for singelplayer. Divinitys coop mode is pretty unique to the genre. There is Neverwinter nights where coop was possible but it’s not nearly as well done as Divinity.
I love that this is an actual argument two people are having.
Howdy Doc!
Oh I have played all classes, had a decent library of alts, but my main was a warrior cause I enjoyed tanking in instances and raids. :)
Do they play like Dark souls? Anything else and I probably quit. ;)
Same here. I’ve been reading about the story in some of the quest and I do really wanna see that for myself. But I’m pretty damn sure that if I buy it I will probably just play it for a few hours and get bored of the gameplay, and get bad flashbacks to why I stopped playing WOW in the first place.
I don’t think I have ever watched the kill cam fully. I think it’s a small part that I find it frustrating to watch myself getting killed. But I would say the big reason is that I am just more used to games lets you view what your teammate are doing after you died. So I just instantly skip and watch that without…
Alright, I am sold! Looks awesome. And it’s not like its raining horror games these days.
I know. Those cutscenes looks so good! Such a shame they are not made for an actual game.
They did mention they were going to switch to mobile games and Pachinko completely, but they also said that they want to continue Pro Soccer and MGS. Considering they seemed to try close down game developing within 2 months and then reopen it again it seems like whoever is running the company makes major decisions on…