Joakim Jonsson

The first time fight these guys.

Because the sign had a pretty good rating.

Yeah, I think some of the developers at Troika came to Obsidian after the studio closed down. But it feels like developers switch workplace every year so that doesn’t need to be the case anymore.

Lets just all agree that the main story isn’t very good so we can instead appreciate other aspects of the game. Like walking around watching random shit happen, thats honestly the best part of the game.

Oh I know how it works. :)

Yeah, I’m hoping Paradox is doing really well. Thats a publisher that deserves all the best these days.

These days photorealistic games seems more like a economical concern rather that a technological one.

If I could give infinite resources to one game studio it would probably be Obsidian. It should be illegal for a studio with that track record to close down. Yet, so many independed game studios seems to risk it when a publisher ceases development of a game, despite how successful their previous games were.

Oh please Kirk, do at least one episode where you play the saxs for one hour just for the hell of it. I promise to listen... For a while!

(never played it, not my kind of game). I agree that instant, permanent death is a little harsh but to each their own.

The gaming story about myself I will probably hear to the end of my days, is when I hitted my sisters friend cause he beat me in Dead or alive 3 by button smashing. Thats the story she likes bring out at family dinners. Its more than a decade ago, which also actually the last time I ever hit someone.

Considering that Bastion is a very different game. That doesn’t say much at all. They have as much in common Deus Ex has to Half-Life 2. Similar setting, and camera angle, fundamentally different gameplay mechanics and story telling.

You know, I really liked Pillars of eternity and will probably get this game. But when I heard Paradox and Obsidian was gonna announce a new game I so much hyped myself up hoping it would be world of darkness related. Probably at a point where anything else feels like a disappointment.

Jason, you missed chance to mention Tim actually talks about that place in your podcast. Your podcast, remember? The one you have with that other guy who talks way too much. This would be one of the few times to mention it in another article without it feeling forced in.

I did replay it when I was 15-something. At least back when Lucasart was still rereleasing it cause I bought a new copy that contained it and Sam and max. (I’m 28 today.) So yeah, I have. But even replaying it was a darn long time ago. :)

My memories of Day of the tentacle as a child was that I played like crazy. Got pretty far into the story with no grasp at all how to solve the puzzels. I just clicked on stuff. Sometimes walking with the character pretending to do stuff with them as if they were toys. (It is kinda like an interactive doll house now

Hoping this season will be about Christa. Her pregnancy, and what happen to her in season 2 would intresting to figure out. Overall its a character that has a connection Lee and Clem, but has some much potential for her own story.

Hurray! He lives! Hope you are in good health!

Thanks for your work Chris! Said this before, but highlight reel really makes laugh out loud, which very few thinga does. (Usally when something is funny is just smilie and nod awkward.)

Oh, didn’t know they werent part of Clock Tower 3. My bad!